Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

An Instrument of Peace

We are coming up on Halloween and Samhain which is the time for the physical world to mesh with the spiritual world.  To learn more about these holidays, check out my post Lift the Veil. In 2020, this is going to be an especially dramatic time for this union of the physical & spiritual.  As Melanie Beckler notes, this time of year is one of two periods each year when the veil between these worlds becomes the thinnest and we can become acutely aware of the activity happening in the realms of spirit. The other thin time of year happens in early May in the Northern Hemisphere, which in Earth based Spirituality is sometimes called Beltane.

This year of clear vision has been all about opening our eyes to our physical world, now comes the time to open our eyes to the spiritual world.  I choose to connect to the spiritual world through prayer and meditation.  The spiritual world also connects with me through repeating numbers, synchronicities, and the beauty of nature not to mention spontaneous creative solutions through intuition.  I am going to focus on prayer today since the signs from the spiritual have been pointing me in this direction as important at this point in time.  Prayer is an instrument available to us to connect with the divine.

As you know, I live in the US and it is a very intense time here with the upcoming presidential election.  The energy has been intense with it continuing to increase around me.  Writing has helped me to channel this energy into a creative form as well as sharing my insights with others.  One of the ways I commune with God is through writing prayers to Him, our creator, source of all.  Prayer has had a calming effect for me during these turbulent times.  I am encouraging you to pray as well during this time.  There are as many forms of prayer as there are names for God.  As always follow your heart as to what feels right from within you.

The many forms of prayer include the following. Please share what forms of prayer you enjoy in the comments below.

  • Speaking aloud
  • Writing
  • Thoughtfulness/meditation
  • Singing
  • Listening to music
  • Sitting in nature

As mentioned, I enjoy writing prayers.  As I write I pause to consider my thoughts to see what arises within me from my inner wisdom which is my divine connection known as intuition.  Spontaneous thoughts are often the result of this active listening or openness to our creator, angels, and guides working with us for our highest good, our highest truth.  This post is an excellent example of this two-way exchange!

As I evolve on my spiritual path, I am learning to keep pen and paper handy to jot down these intuitive suggestions or urgings.  In this way my relationship with the spiritual grows and evolves for the benefit of both the physical and non-physical for me. This is my partnership with God as we discussed in the last post Will You Answer Prayer in Me and Me in You.  Keeping a journal of these thoughts gives me an outlet for my concerns, gratitude for my blessings, and constructive use of my heightened energy.

As we pray it is important to recognize what we may be calling forth – for our daily thoughts, words, and actions are forms of prayer as well.  You Create Your Reality discussed the significance of our daily thoughts, words, and actions in our lives.  For me, I pray to be more disciplined in these, to be more humble, and to respond to others with more grace.

This is going to be the perfect weekend to fully engage with God through prayer!  Not only is it Hallow’s Eve with the thinnest of veils, but it is also being heightened with a full moon as well!  It is going to be an optimal time to commune with our creator to call forth a world of peace, prosperity, and freedom for all!  We ask for God to shed His grace on thee for our Highest Good, for our Highest Truth!

For more insight on the historical astrological events taking place on our planet right now here are two videos from Tania Gabrielle who I follow:

The Taurus Full Moon on October 31

November’s Astrological Event

Melanie Beckler is another spiritual sage I enjoy:  October 31 Full Moon Five Things to Know

Here is my favorite positive prayer meditation:  All is Well

This is a wonderful meditation to calm myself from anxiety or fear: Emergency Angel Call

I have had many feelings and insights coming into my life lately most likely due to the retrogrades in Mars and Mercury.  Now is the time to look at what is bubbling up in your life.  Pause and take notice.  I have been busy taking notes as this happens for me which I will share in my upcoming posts.  For now, I will share some of my prayers.  Until next time, Happy Hallow’s Eve!

I pray for peace, love, understanding,

acceptance & healing for our land.

I pray for enlightenment, empowerment, equality,

empathy and ethics in our land.

I pray most fervently for respect

of one another throughout our land.

God sits on the side of the righteous

because they call on Him in all things big and small

for their Highest Good and Highest truth,

thy will be done.

We can call forth a new earth,

When we respect one another,

Our power is God given,

It lives within us,

Freedom & prosperity for all,

Is our birthright as sovereign beings,

We need only to step into our power,

through God, with God, in God,

To live new earth.

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Will You Answer Prayer in Me and Me in You?

I believe we are meant to be partners with our creator in this experience called life. We have the choice to go through life alone unconnected to our creator – God, source of all OR to walk in communion with our creator. To me, I see this as a big issue playing out in our world right now. One of the great divides currently are those who recognize there is a higher power in play against those who believe this is it and they are on their own.

We are each born with this power within us to connect and to create our lives with our creator.  Once you accept this knowing that comes from within that you are worthy and loved just as you are, your whole life will change! This is another unalienable right or gift given to you at birth by God!  Believe it! Accept it! Live it! Watch how your life changes…

When we partner with our creator, we can have a world with freedom and prosperity for all!  We can have love and appreciation for all! There is no fear for we realize we are the masters of our own lives.  No authority can take that away from us since it comes from within us.  These can be scary times for there are those who believe God needs to be stripped from our governments, stripped from our lives.  Please realize this move is deliberate evil in an attempt to separate us from God to make us feel alone and unconnected.  It is a power play with the darkest of intentions to remove people’s power.  If they succeed in getting people separated from God, then they can succeed in programming people there is no power except outside power which allows them to then enslave the people.  In other words, they do not want people to realize their own internal God given power so they can be enslaved to their doctrine.  Do not fall victim to these dark illusions masquerading as utopian truths!

This is an unprecedented time as the light of truth is being shone on many of the dark shadows so that we may clearly see the truth.  Remember 2020 the year of clear vision. The next big step is being able to accept these new truths.  Each of us must discern what is truth of the light and what is truth of the dark.  Again, Spirit has given us an answer that we will know by the fruits which are borne or given birth.  Simply put, does it produce good, free, prosperous outcomes or does it produce bad, constricting, unprofitable outcomes?  I discussed some of these revealing times in Out of the Shadows and Into the Light.

Some of our core beliefs may be shaken.  In some cases, we may need to let go of some core belief that may no longer serve us as we grow and learn more in our life’s journey.  We all have some beliefs that limit us.  These are called limiting beliefs.  We usually grew up with these from our parents and/or communities.  It is okay to examine these beliefs to see if they are true.  Ask yourself what fruit does this belief bear in my life?

Vishen Lakhiani discusses the concept of “brules” in his book The Extraordinary Mind.  Brules are bullshit rules we pass down from one generation to another.  We need to challenge our own beliefs to see if they still fit within our lives.  A common brule I grew up with and even instilled in my children is getting a college degree is how to become successful in life.  Today, I no longer believe a college degree is necessary to become successful in life.  I know many people who are highly successful who did not go to college.  I also see there is a big deficit in the trades of carpentry, plumbing, electric, etc.  These happen to be high paying careers as well as extremely successful businesses if you own one.  College is not an indicator of success in life although I was brought up to believe that it was and in turn passed it on to my children.  Likewise, I was brought up in the catholic religion.  As such, I was taught it was the true and right religion to follow.  I no longer believe there is only one true and right religion to follow.   I believe God wants a relationship with each one of us and it is not defined within a particular religion.  In fact, I can partner with God in my life without following any organized religion.  It is okay to commune with God however it feels right to your inner knowing.  How will you know?  You will feel it in your heart – trust me!

I love this verse from the song, The Summons, which goes “Will you let me answer prayer in you and you in me”.  Here is the song if you are unfamiliar with it.  As I meditated on this verse it came to me that it is as though God is asking will you partner with me to create, to live, to love, to experience it all.  It is a two-way relationship that He is asking to have with us.  When we accept this two-way relationship, we partner in living life with the divine.  Our day to day lives can unfold in miraculous new ways.

I love to rest in my God, to feel safe, to feel his power wrap around me.  This same feeling is available to you too!  If you are not sure how to get there, remember to just ask as discussed in Embody Your Highest Light, Your Highest Truth.  You do not have to walk alone in this life.  It is by choice if you do so.  You can always choose to open yourself to the divine that lives within you, patiently waiting on you to say: Yes, let’s do this together!

Here is a meditation I like to use on a regular basis from Abraham Hicks.  If you are unfamiliar with Abraham, he is spirit guide channeled through Esther Hicks.  He seeks to enlighten, to uplift, and to teach us how to partner with the divine such that we become the master of our lives. God is asking, will you partner with me?

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

I Can Breathe

I can breathe.
I am thankful for my life.
I am the master of my life.
It is up to me to be all I can be.
The power comes from within me for I am made in and of God.
Father, son or daughter, and the holy spirit –
together we three make the divine trinity.
I only need to believe to be.
What I think I become.

Challenges, diversity, setbacks all help me to refine who and what I want to be.

When I can see the goodness in my life and give thanks every day for every blessing in my life, my power grows to create more blessings as I see more & more blessings.

God is good. Life is good.

Freedom and prosperity are mine.

I see a world based in love, peace & understanding that we are all one.
We empower ourselves to be free, to love & care for one another.

As we are all one in the body of Christ.

walking out freely



Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Breathe, Repeat

There has been so much chaos in my world in the past couple of months. As I write this my stomach churns over the thought of all that is going on in my world. I decided I need to write it out to soothe my nerves. So, as I continue to write, some revelations are dawning on me. It is not really my direct world now is it? It is what is going on with “the virus” around the world and what is going on with protests, demonstrations, and politics in the US, my home country. These things are happening outside of me, myself and I. In fact, where I live in the country you would never know they are going on at all. So, then it is me and my perception that is creating this problem for me. Wow, I need a dose of my own medicine!

I need to turn off the outside world and go within. How many times have I heard that before? How many times have I said that before? Just like the shampoo bottle says to lather, rinse, repeat. I need to read my own blog, breathe, repeat.

I have been wanting to share with you the information I found on duality and its role in our world as well as in our individual lives. I am sure you have heard of the blue pill versus the red pill. Basically, the people on the blue pill have not awakened to their full spiritual essence. People on the red pill have awakened or are starting to awaken to all that is both here on earth and outside of earth including the spiritual world and the galactic world. However, the red pill people are not as “woke” as they think since they continue to live in judgement. In this video by Amanda Ellis she teaches about the violet pill as instructed from Archangel Metatron. It is a long video, almost two hours but so worth watching!!! In fact, I took pages of notes while watching it! I have a whole new understanding of good and evil in our world along with the roles we each play in life. I can see now after this instruction that until we each take the violet pill there can be no peace, love and understanding on earth. We are each here playing the role we signed up for in this lifetime. The question then becomes, how do we transcend that role? I would love to hear your comments on this question and the video – so please share below so we can discuss!!

Violet Pill – Multi-demensional Soul Adventures – Master Teaching by Amanda Ellis

I have been getting this information repeated to me by the universe a lot lately. Aluna Ash is another who has been posting until we all see each as part of each other and our roles we each play in this drama of life we remain separate from source. I made the decision today to unplug since I was letting the chaos take my peace. After rereading a post from Aluna Ash today, I am going on the 3 days of darkness challenge to stay unplugged from the chaos, to maintain a high vibration, and to change my perception to be what I want to see in the world. It’s an excellent post that might require you to read it a few times to fully comprehend it (at least I needed to read it multiple times 😊). As she explains “Although we each hold infinite potential, we are limited only by our perception of ourself, others and the world. To change another, we must change how we perceive the other. To change the world, we must change how we perceive the world. It is all within. If we believe someone to be toxic, it’s not them we need to change- but our perception and belief of them. Others and the world only reflects our private thought conversations and deeper beliefs.” Click here to checkout her Facebook post for the full lesson.

As I write this I am reminded – yet again – of the roles we are each playing on this stage of life. I just need to settle down, to let go, to breathe. I cannot change others views or opinions by sharing information on social media even though there is so much coming out of the shadows and into the light. I am the one that needs to let go. Each will awaken to their own truth in their own time. It is not my job (even though sometimes I think maybe it is) to enlighten another. It is my job to work on enlightening myself. I need to work on changing my perception and in so doing change my world.

There are just so many triggers out there! I must overcome these because they are not going anywhere any time soon. Especially here in the US we will remain in chaos until the election is over that is a given … followed by the aftermath. God help us all! Maybe another pill will come along for that … until then … let go, hold the light, breathe, repeat!



Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Black and Light

These are turbulent times to be sure in the U.S. The promises from many that 2020 was going to be an eye-opening year has certainly not disappointed. Clear vision to see what is really going on is to take place during this year 2020. At many times, I am at a loss for words for it all. At these times, I remember to stop, be still, and give it to God. All will be well in God’s time. The problem is we never know how long God’s time exactly is…so I am waiting and holding the light. During this time, I keep hearing the words from Stop In the Name of Love.

Today, I was chastised for saying ALL lives matter instead of Black lives matter. I believe black lives matter as do yellow, red, brown, white, and olive. Every human life matters, in my opinion. I just think when I say “black” lives matter it shows separation. I am tired of all the separation. We are not separate. We are one. And we all matter!!! We are each uniquely and divinely created in and of God, source of all.

The color black is actually made up of all the colors of the rainbow into one color. The color black represents all the colors of the human race in one color to be technical. So, then let us be technical and when we say black lives matter let us understand that color represents all lives matter. And no, I am not passively racist by saying so. Maybe the ones who are so quick to point and judge others are passively racist. We often see in others what we cannot see in ourselves – mirroring and projection. We all have shadow sides we need to explore. 2020 seems to also be shaping up as a big shadow reveal year. Maybe we are to clearly see our own shadows? After all, how can we create a new earth full of love and peace when we cannot be honest with ourselves and our own shadows?

There is so much injustice in the world for so many people. From the Chinese people under communist rule to Brazil’s struggle for freedom to migrant workers in the field to refugees fleeing from their countries to the native American Indians whose land was taken from them, to the ancestry of slavery, to the immigrant looking for a better life the human plight continues and the list goes on.

As a lightworker, I believe my main purpose is to hold the light, to shine the light, and to share the light with others. What is the light? The light is represented by the high vibrations of love, joy, peace, forgiveness, truth and understanding. The light stands opposite of the dark and yet they are one in our world of duality. Duality was what I thought I was going to write about today because I have learned so much and am anxious to share it with you, but as I started to write, it seemed this is what Spirit wanted me to express first.

Darkness exists in our world just as does the light. Darkness is where the lower vibrations of hate, fear, anger, dishonesty, and greed live. It is in darkness that much evil is perpetrated both figuratively and literally. I think it is because it is hidden in the dark unlike in the light. As it turns dark at night currently, it seems to embolden the violent rioters to inflict more hurt and damage. We each have a choice to live in the dark or live in the light.

I recently learned about Ho’oponopono from the medium I saw during my trip to Texas in February this year. She said it would be a good practice for me to make peace with my inner child and shadow side. I looked up Ho’oponopono on the flight back home. Once I looked it up, I realized this was not something new to me. I had heard and briefly practiced it a year earlier through an activity on the Collective Evolution website.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice for healing. Ho’oponopono means to make (ho’o) right (pono) right (pono) to correct relationship problems. Ponopono means “to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat”.

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, recognized as a kahuna lapaʻau (healer) in Hawaii brought her updated version of Ho’oponopono to the world. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that are experienced as problems. She was recognized by the State of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983. (

“If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correction or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.”
~ Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Dr. Hew Len learned that by using this potent forgiveness and releasing process, one is able to “clear your mind of subconscious blocks so that destiny and desire can take over and help you get what you truly want from life. It clears out unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts, and memories that you don’t even know are holding you back.” Dr. Len and Joe Vitale co-authored the book Zero Limits, which chronicles this journey.

So, this is deep, but hang in there and reread it a few times … Dr. Len used this technique by himself to clear past traumas for high security inmates he was working with by practicing Ho’oponopono over their files. Close to quantum science, the fundamentals of Ho’oponopono is that what you observe, you influence. To a certain degree, you have a part of responsibility in what you experience, if not for simply being there as everything is interrelated and all one. In the Hawaiian traditional way of seeing life, we function from the conscious mind that decides everything we do, regulates our habits, etc. The subconscious, also known as the inner child, witnesses everything without words. The subconscious is the scribe to our inner world, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and memories. Finally, there is the higher self which directly connects us to source, many refer to this as the soul or super conscious. Our higher self is our inside voice, the wisdom part of ourselves that surprises us with amazing insights and maturity. Our higher self, or super conscious, can communicate directly with our subconscious. However, it is difficult for most of us to consciously connect to either the subconscious or super conscious. Therefore, rekindling with our subconscious who has recorded everything could be of great benefit for us to see our shadows and heal ourselves which in turn heals others as we are all one in super consciousness.

Put simply, if we all practice Ho’oponopono with the intent to heal our world then we will in fact heal our world. I have started practicing this every night when I go to bed. You can also practice it while looking at yourself in the mirror.  There are many videos or recordings with the words which I use as I fall asleep. I envision different people as I say the words to myself including envisioning my younger self. Lately, I have envisioned George Floyd and protestors too. I have even envisioned politicians I dislike.  Here are a couple of options, there are many more on YouTube.

Ho’oponopono Song

Ho’oponopono Meditation

Along with practicing Ho’oponopono, I propose we shine a light on the color black. Let us celebrate the color black for what it is – the summation of all color – by shining the light of love, peace, forgiveness, healing, and understanding. I am lighting one candle to symbolize our unity as all one human species on this one earth under our one God, divine Source of All while saying the Ho’oponopono prayer:

I love you.   I am sorry.   Please forgive me.   Thank you.

I genuinely believe as a collective we can affect change in our world by this one simple act of lighting one candle with this intention. Let us shine the light in the darkness of our world. Let us hold this light for all to see, to come home to, to find the peace and healing so many seek.


Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality

In the Stillness

The captivity started with the Coronavirus

Next came the captivity of my community

Followed by the captivity of my house

Now I am a captive of my own thoughts

No place to go but within myself

To be still

To know my God

No church open to give me their God

My God calls from within

My God leads me to green pastures

My God comforts me

In this captivity

In this stillness

I know my God

My God is an infinite, loving, abundant God

All will be well says my God

He lives in me and I in Him

No building is needed

Just time

Just stillness born by the illness

In the stillness find your God

He is calling to you

Harken the voice from within

Be still

Be one with your God


Awakening, Conscious Living, Spirituality

Me and My Shadow

Did you know we all have a shadow?  I didn’t. I have heard of shadow work but did not know that everyone has a shadow side.  In fact, to fully realize your potential it is necessary to explore your shadow side. Hmm. This has been crossing my path for a reason as there are no coincidences.  As I was exploring today, I ran across something I wrote a couple of months ago.  I don’t know if you remember me saying I have been feeling the call to poetry as I shared in my post, Shine Your Light, from January.  It seems now that I reread it, even my writing is suggesting a shadow … what do you think?

I and Me

We have been on our own now for a while, I and me.

We have been doing fine for awhile now, I and me.

Even though we are married it’s really just, I and me.

I’m learning to grow now, I and me.

I’m coming into my own now, I and me.

Soon you will know me, I and me.

look in mirror

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Stop in the Name of Love

Last night after participating in the global meditation for world healing, this phrase came to my mind … Stop in the name of love, before we destroy ourselves.  Stop the conspiracies. Stop the finger pointing.  Stop the judgement. Stop the politics.  Stop crashing our lives.  My project today was to write it out.  I am no professional by any means but my whole heart was in it.  My intent is to bring ideas for our new earth out into the open for all to think about.  So, here it is enjoy!!


Awakening, Conscious Living, Spirituality

You Now Have Time

The first few months of 2020, I spent reviewing and resetting myself or so I thought. Bam! Mother nature hit me over the head to say wake up! Since the Corona-Confinement, I can see much more clearly that I was deluding myself if I thought I had taken the journey within.  In my head I hear, ‘you now have time finish to finish the job.’

It has taken me a couple of weeks to get isolated enough to start to look at myself deeply since there is no one else to look at anymore. No one else to watch, to critique, to project my stuff on. Just me and my other three family members in the house with me but I have already analyzed them. We moved to the country so there is no one to watch out of my window either. The only person left to look at is me. What if this was by divine design?

What if this time-out for the human race, caused by the virus, was purposeful divine timing? What if this is the “event” that has been prophesied? The sky is still blue. The sea is not red. The sun still comes up every morning. And yet, we have all shifted into neutral. Our normal lives have been put on hold. After two weeks of staying home, in the United States,  we have now been told another 30 days.

Another 30 days to sit and ponder. Am I safe from the virus? Will I recover from the virus? How is this affecting my family and my loved ones? How do I get income if I have lost it? How do I keep a job if I still have one? I have to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. How will I survive this physically, mentally, emotionally, and economically? The answer is faith. Faith in a power higher than your own. A faith in something that cannot be seen or heard but can be felt in your heart.

Be still and know that I am God.  (Psalms 46:10)

I think this verse sums up the whole situation. We have all been made to slow down around the world. It is a global pause. A time out, for not just us, but also for mother earth as well, as we stay home. It is a time for us all to reset ourselves. Reset our way of living. Reset our way of thinking. It is an opportunity for a rebirth. Maybe, dare I say it, a new earth…

We are each being forced by circumstances beyond our control to reevaluate our lives – what we do, how we live, how we care for one another. This is bigger than politics. This is bigger than religion. You notice in both politics and religion that each has the ability to polarize humans against each other. I can’t imagine its good for us if it can polarize us against one another. It might be time to shift the paradigm. Get outside of the box thinking and look around. You’ve got the time now to do just that! Maybe that is the gift – Time. God has given us each time to stop and look at our lives. What do you see?

For the next 30 days, I challenge you to accept the divine gift of time we have each been given to really look at ourselves, our families, our communities, our country, and our world. Think outside the box, brainstorm ideas and practices, talk about the bad and the good – with yourself. The conversation is with yourself, so you are safe to speak your true thoughts. You can have silent conversations in your mind, journal your thoughts through writing, or speak them aloud in the mirror. This is your opportunity to create a world of your choosing.

Some concepts to consider and reshape. We have been doing things the same way for a long time. Are they still relevant? Are there better ways to address the same problem? Again, think outside the box.

  • When was the last time you asked yourself if you were happy? What would make you happy?
  • Do you cherish your family or tolerate your family? What would you like to see change in your family?
  • Do you belong to a community? Describe that community? It could be your neighborhood, town, church, school, work, etc.
  • How does your community or communities make you feel? Does it bring out your best qualities? What could you do differently?
  • Schools are closed and students are learning from home? What are the positives and negatives of online or distance learning? What are some ways our education system needs to change?
  • Everyone is concerned with their health and our healthcare system during this pandemic. If we started from scratch in designing healthcare how would it look? What is basic healthcare for all? What is the difference between elective procedures and required procedures? What role does mental health play in basic healthcare? What role does society play in basic healthcare? What role does government play in basic healthcare? What role does the world play in basic healthcare?
  • Looking at work/life balance the tables have been flipped in many cases. More people are working from home than in the workplace during this time. Has working from home affected you? How do you find work/life balance? What would you like to see change in the workplace?
  • In the US, our 50 states form a union under our one federal government. The original plan from our founding fathers was for the federal government to provide life, liberty, security, sovereignty for the union. Over time, the federal government has taken on more duties from the states for the states. What do you see is the purpose of the federal government? What do you see is the purpose of the state government? What is the purpose of political parties, namely Republicans and Democrats? Do political parties divide us? Is this division in our best interest? What would you change in how the states and federal government are run? How do you feel about term limits in the government? Describe your vision of good government?
  • Looking at the world, what is the responsibility for each country to one another? At the global level there are world politics, world finance, and world religion. How do these interplay with one another? How does what happens on a global level affect you? Does it matter what happens on a global level? What changes are needed globally that affects us all?

There are many more branches on this tree of life we could explore, and I encourage you to keep going as more bubble up for you in the next 30 days. We have been given the gift of time to reevaluate, to reset, to find balance in our lives, our communities, and our world.  Let’s put our gift to use! Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, or questions in the comments below.

Let go of the differences, Embrace the similarities.
Let go of judgement, Embrace common ground.
Let go of the old ways, Embrace new ideas.
Let go of divisions, Embrace unity.

time is a gift

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Shine Your Light

The time has come to shine my light. I have been waiting, listening, for the point in time it was to be. It came today. Now is the time to write, to shine my light. To remind you, that it is time, as well, to shine your light. I began this journey in September 2018 with a list given to me that in hindsight may have been steps on my journey. This is the last subject on the list, “Shine Your Light.” I have been waiting for over six months for the body of the message to come to me. Five hours ago, it arrived in my life.

There is a great awakening coming upon us being ushered in this weekend by the universe with the Stellium on January 12, 2020. An astrological event that has not happened for 500 years. Many expect this planetary movement will bring sweeping global and personal changes, transitions, and ultimate transformation over the next 12 to 18 months. That sounds impressive… I am interested… and so I listen. Given the events that have occurred in just the first week of 2020, I am intrigued to learn more.

I have watched the news headlines play out much of what I had learned would be coming. Corruption is being exposed at all levels of institutions and structures: government, religious, education, pharmaceutical, media, and within our communities. Some stories were expected while others were a shock. Yet, for the most part we continue with our lives, or at least I continued with my life. I decided it was better to not give my energy to the darkness of the world. I spend my time envisioning an honest and happy world where everyone succeeds. I spend my time cultivating the gift within, which we all have, to co-create a world that makes me happy. (You Create Your Reality) I believe it was time well spent for now the time has come for us all to awaken to our power, to create our lives as we want to live.

I have spent the last six months practicing meditation. (Stay Present, Stay Centered, Stay Connected) It is much easier now for me to connect with the divine and to float in peaceful meditation. I have been practicing honing my intuition. I have been asking for my path to be illuminated and the next step to be clearly shown. Today may be the next step for which I have been practicing without knowing it. Now I am glad I kept practicing 🙂 I continue to be led to new opportunities in my life.  I can chose to listen and follow or ignore those urgings.  For the most part, I have been listening and exploring the next step.  My life is unfolding in new and unexpected ways.  We have moved into a new home, started a new business, and now I feel the urge to write poetry instead of narratives.

What if we could purge what no longer serves in our world? We could give birth to a new paradigm for a new world where we are each empowered to co-create our lives. It sounds too good to be true. I hope it is so. I am ready. Everything happens for a reason. We chose to be here at this time in history. We signed up to be a part of this shift in humanity. 2020 is the year to open our eyes to clearer vision of our world, of our possibilities and of the role we each play.

Turbulent, tumultuous times are forecasted during the shift as we face old paradigms crumbling away to give birth to new ideas and ways much like a woman endures labor to birth her new child into the world. I have birthed two children. The key is to breathe, trust, and allow nature to do its thing. (Rest in the Divine, Not the Illusion)

I am excited about the idea of a new world but also nervous and anxious. My son is active in the national guard and he was put on notice this week to have his affairs in order and to be ready in case the call comes in for his unit to deploy. In my happy world, I was unaware of the events with Iran. I am aware now and paying close attention. While I pray for peace, I am willing to fight against evil. When the time comes, everyone will have to take a stand to shine light or to hide in darkness. Unfortunately, that is the world we live in now but maybe not for long. (Out of the Shadows and Into the Light) Maybe a new world of peace, empowerment, equality, and respect will evolve … as we humans evolve.

Some Tips & Tricks for the Shift in Consciousness:

• Mind + Soul + Light: We were each born with inner guidance to navigate this life. Use it.

• If you get the feeling you should do more research on a subject, belief, or event, then do it. That is your inner guidance directing you. Listen to it. Find out what it wants you to know.

• Turn off the devices now and then so you can interact with what’s alive in the world: people, animals, plants. Listen. Learn.

• What’s your impact in the world? Is it positive? Are you who you want to be?

• Allow what is being revealed to flow. Do not judge. Allow it to come fully into the light.

• By accepting what is, then you can then ask how can I respond? Listen to your inner guidance. It will answer to lead you, if you allow it and accept it.

• The ego mind will promote fear, distrust, drama. Reject the ego mind. Don’t fall down the rabbit hole of drama.

• Through challenge, we all grow. Trust in the process. Instead of reacting – observe, see clearly all sides, listen to inner guidance, trust your intuition, then respond through the light of love.

In 2020, our vision is evolving. We are evolving. Listen to your heart, head and soul calling to you. Turn off the distractions. Be present to the world around you. The choice is always yours by divine will. (We are Light Beings). You can resist or participate in our changing world. But just remember, we are all one. (We are All One) If All are moving forward, where will you be? Trust all will be well. All will be as it should be in the end. Darkness only wins when you don’t shine your light. The light melts fear away. This is the year to shine your light! Shine it brightly! Be the you, you have always wanted to be. How will you know? It feels like you are coming home…Welcome Home!

shine your light