Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Black and Light

These are turbulent times to be sure in the U.S. The promises from many that 2020 was going to be an eye-opening year has certainly not disappointed. Clear vision to see what is really going on is to take place during this year 2020. At many times, I am at a loss for words for it all. At these times, I remember to stop, be still, and give it to God. All will be well in God’s time. The problem is we never know how long God’s time exactly is…so I am waiting and holding the light. During this time, I keep hearing the words from Stop In the Name of Love.

Today, I was chastised for saying ALL lives matter instead of Black lives matter. I believe black lives matter as do yellow, red, brown, white, and olive. Every human life matters, in my opinion. I just think when I say “black” lives matter it shows separation. I am tired of all the separation. We are not separate. We are one. And we all matter!!! We are each uniquely and divinely created in and of God, source of all.

The color black is actually made up of all the colors of the rainbow into one color. The color black represents all the colors of the human race in one color to be technical. So, then let us be technical and when we say black lives matter let us understand that color represents all lives matter. And no, I am not passively racist by saying so. Maybe the ones who are so quick to point and judge others are passively racist. We often see in others what we cannot see in ourselves – mirroring and projection. We all have shadow sides we need to explore. 2020 seems to also be shaping up as a big shadow reveal year. Maybe we are to clearly see our own shadows? After all, how can we create a new earth full of love and peace when we cannot be honest with ourselves and our own shadows?

There is so much injustice in the world for so many people. From the Chinese people under communist rule to Brazil’s struggle for freedom to migrant workers in the field to refugees fleeing from their countries to the native American Indians whose land was taken from them, to the ancestry of slavery, to the immigrant looking for a better life the human plight continues and the list goes on.

As a lightworker, I believe my main purpose is to hold the light, to shine the light, and to share the light with others. What is the light? The light is represented by the high vibrations of love, joy, peace, forgiveness, truth and understanding. The light stands opposite of the dark and yet they are one in our world of duality. Duality was what I thought I was going to write about today because I have learned so much and am anxious to share it with you, but as I started to write, it seemed this is what Spirit wanted me to express first.

Darkness exists in our world just as does the light. Darkness is where the lower vibrations of hate, fear, anger, dishonesty, and greed live. It is in darkness that much evil is perpetrated both figuratively and literally. I think it is because it is hidden in the dark unlike in the light. As it turns dark at night currently, it seems to embolden the violent rioters to inflict more hurt and damage. We each have a choice to live in the dark or live in the light.

I recently learned about Ho’oponopono from the medium I saw during my trip to Texas in February this year. She said it would be a good practice for me to make peace with my inner child and shadow side. I looked up Ho’oponopono on the flight back home. Once I looked it up, I realized this was not something new to me. I had heard and briefly practiced it a year earlier through an activity on the Collective Evolution website.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice for healing. Ho’oponopono means to make (ho’o) right (pono) right (pono) to correct relationship problems. Ponopono means “to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat”.

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, recognized as a kahuna lapaʻau (healer) in Hawaii brought her updated version of Ho’oponopono to the world. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that are experienced as problems. She was recognized by the State of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983. (

“If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correction or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.”
~ Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Dr. Hew Len learned that by using this potent forgiveness and releasing process, one is able to “clear your mind of subconscious blocks so that destiny and desire can take over and help you get what you truly want from life. It clears out unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts, and memories that you don’t even know are holding you back.” Dr. Len and Joe Vitale co-authored the book Zero Limits, which chronicles this journey.

So, this is deep, but hang in there and reread it a few times … Dr. Len used this technique by himself to clear past traumas for high security inmates he was working with by practicing Ho’oponopono over their files. Close to quantum science, the fundamentals of Ho’oponopono is that what you observe, you influence. To a certain degree, you have a part of responsibility in what you experience, if not for simply being there as everything is interrelated and all one. In the Hawaiian traditional way of seeing life, we function from the conscious mind that decides everything we do, regulates our habits, etc. The subconscious, also known as the inner child, witnesses everything without words. The subconscious is the scribe to our inner world, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and memories. Finally, there is the higher self which directly connects us to source, many refer to this as the soul or super conscious. Our higher self is our inside voice, the wisdom part of ourselves that surprises us with amazing insights and maturity. Our higher self, or super conscious, can communicate directly with our subconscious. However, it is difficult for most of us to consciously connect to either the subconscious or super conscious. Therefore, rekindling with our subconscious who has recorded everything could be of great benefit for us to see our shadows and heal ourselves which in turn heals others as we are all one in super consciousness.

Put simply, if we all practice Ho’oponopono with the intent to heal our world then we will in fact heal our world. I have started practicing this every night when I go to bed. You can also practice it while looking at yourself in the mirror.  There are many videos or recordings with the words which I use as I fall asleep. I envision different people as I say the words to myself including envisioning my younger self. Lately, I have envisioned George Floyd and protestors too. I have even envisioned politicians I dislike.  Here are a couple of options, there are many more on YouTube.

Ho’oponopono Song

Ho’oponopono Meditation

Along with practicing Ho’oponopono, I propose we shine a light on the color black. Let us celebrate the color black for what it is – the summation of all color – by shining the light of love, peace, forgiveness, healing, and understanding. I am lighting one candle to symbolize our unity as all one human species on this one earth under our one God, divine Source of All while saying the Ho’oponopono prayer:

I love you.   I am sorry.   Please forgive me.   Thank you.

I genuinely believe as a collective we can affect change in our world by this one simple act of lighting one candle with this intention. Let us shine the light in the darkness of our world. Let us hold this light for all to see, to come home to, to find the peace and healing so many seek.


Awakening, Conscious Living, Spirituality

Me and My Shadow

Did you know we all have a shadow?  I didn’t. I have heard of shadow work but did not know that everyone has a shadow side.  In fact, to fully realize your potential it is necessary to explore your shadow side. Hmm. This has been crossing my path for a reason as there are no coincidences.  As I was exploring today, I ran across something I wrote a couple of months ago.  I don’t know if you remember me saying I have been feeling the call to poetry as I shared in my post, Shine Your Light, from January.  It seems now that I reread it, even my writing is suggesting a shadow … what do you think?

I and Me

We have been on our own now for a while, I and me.

We have been doing fine for awhile now, I and me.

Even though we are married it’s really just, I and me.

I’m learning to grow now, I and me.

I’m coming into my own now, I and me.

Soon you will know me, I and me.

look in mirror