Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality

The Choice Is Yours

Each day we all have the choice of how we approach our day, our lives, and our future.  As the saying goes, you can wake up on the right side or the wrong side of the bed.  It all starts with our perception of what we are looking at in any given moment.  Our perception is in fact our reality.  Therefore, two different people can look at the same situation and give completely different facts about the situation based on how that situation played out through their own perception filter or lens.  We all view life through our own unique personal lens filter.  This personal perception is ingrained in our human bodies. However, like the other parts of our bodies it is a dynamic aspect meaning it changes as we change.  As we learn and grow, so too does our perception about things.

There is much talk right now about these times being a choice point for our planet.  Do we evolve and ascend in consciousness or not?  Do we live in the light or the dark?  Do we fight for the truth or accept the status quo? Do we protect mother earth or exploit her resources? Do we value all life, or do we select which lives have more value than others? Do we stand in our power or do we bow in complacency? Do we love each other enough to allow and forgive or do we turn away in fear and revenge?  Most importantly, are we going to birth a new earth, a dawn of peace, the foretold golden age?

It is up to each of us to decide for ourselves what we choose and what role we are willing to play.  We can each see things differently – that is okay.  We are unique divine beings.  It is that divine uniqueness that also makes the divine collective.  Consequently, each in our own way will perceive what to change and what to choose.  I guess the ultimate question then becomes does that choice create more positive energy for the collective or more negative energy for the collective.  For it is my belief that only a choice which contributes positively can “do no harm” to the collective. 

Where our attention goes, our energy follows.  Are we focused on the light or on the dark?  Are we focused on being uplifted or pulled into drama?  Right now, for me, it is certainly difficult for me to stay focused on the light with so much drama playing out with the U.S. election and with covid.  Fake news along with conspiracy theories abound.  What to believe?  I do not know.  I am leaning towards the believing the extra-terrestrials at this point!  What I do know for sure is there was mass fraud in the election with mounds of evidence to substantiate it, but you will not hear about any of that from the mainstream media.  I also believe covid came from the laboratory and not a wet market.  Too much information to back that one up as well.  Focus, I need to focus.

We are in historical times with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the solstice, December 21, 2020.  The star of Bethlehem will shine for the first time since 1226 on December 21, 2020 – look for it in the sky about 45 minutes after sunset.  This incredibly rare 0° conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn heralds one of the major arrival posts of the Age of Aquarius. We have arrived at a galactic event, the start of a 2,000-year age of Freedom.  The Awakening is the understanding that we are both divine and human. On the solstice, we are to make our choice to call for the positive polarization of paradise, new earth or for the opposing polarization, new world reset.  This is our choice point in time.  I encourage you to give it some thought followed by your declaration either aloud or in writing.

I choose the positive polarization of paradise and new earth.

I choose peace, freedom, and prosperity for all.

I choose service to others over service to self.

For I am light, I am truth, I am love.

I am that I am.

In gracious gratitude, so it is.

~ Eliza Gaye

Come into the full knowing of your divine being within your human form.  Feel your power, given by the creator, to call forth with God (co-creation) your desired experience here on earth.  Know it, feel it, think it, and speak it!!!

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