Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Harvest Time

This week is the October full moon on 10-01-2020.  A universal number 6 for this full moon.  A big month is predicted by astrology, numerology, and angelic guidance.  If your living in the US, you are already feeling it heating up!  After listening to my favorite astrologer, Tania Gabrielle, I am feeling more calm about the upcoming month.  Aggression and assertiveness are the two opposing aspects of Mars which is retrograde until November 13, 2020.  Currently, here in the US there is a lot of aggression and assertiveness coming out to be sure with it apparently expected to continue through the election given the retrograde.  Mother earth is reflecting the hot energy being released through forest fires and storms. Breathe.

The number 6 is about birthing, nurturing.  The number 1 is about new beginnings. The number 2 is about balance, harmony.  The number 0 is about journey, secrets from within. So, this October is going to be about us taking time to breathe and to release.  We are busy birthing the new earth and it looks like we will be in labor for all of October!  We will need to find balance this month and focus on harmony for our planet.  As we know better, we hopefully act better.  As individuals, as well as the collective. 

During any retrograde is it important to go within ourselves.  With Mars it is the time to discover the truth; the truth about ourselves; the truth about our world.  Secrets may be revealed and brought into the light during this time.  Again, this is a time for us to breathe and to release that which no longer serves us as individuals and as the collective.  We need to remember to not let the frustration or anger we may feel turn into aggression towards others or ourselves.  Aggression hurts others.  Focus, on being assertive rather than aggressive.  It is okay to feel confident in your beliefs and to live your truth for only you know your path.  You can walk that path with integrity, asserting what is right for you, without hurting another, lashing out at another, or condemning another.

A good example for me is a recent Facebook exchange I had with a distant friend regarding politics.  She was asking for someone on the other side of her beliefs to explain why they felt they way they do.  Innocently, I volunteered to share my beliefs.  I was incredibly careful to explain my beliefs as mine so as not to cause harm to another.  I was met with aggression on the other side. After a few exchanges following the same scenario, I realized there was no point to continue the attempted conversation since no constructive conversation could be had with the underlying aggression against my beliefs on the other side.  I will say now as I said then, it is only through civil discourse can we hope to meet on common ground.  We must let the aggression go and allow each to live their truth.  I do not have to agree with you, and you do not have to agree with me.  It is okay to assert (state a fact confidently) our individual beliefs.  It is not okay to become aggressive (readiness to attack; confront) against another for their truth.  We should always respect one another as human beings but most importantly as divine souls walking their own paths.

I had to let go of that exchange and not let the frustration turn into aggression.  I felt I was trying to have a high-level conversation with low level thinkers.  But who am I to say what is high level or low level?  I do truly wish we could have open, honest discussions about the issues plaguing society because I do not see how we can evolve past them without this discourse to find solutions.  We need to break free of this societal conditioning we are trapped within.  Ugh, I am reminded about the importance of breathing and releasing this month!

We are each connected to the collective mind or collective consciousness of our planet.  Many are facing challenges, fear, frustration, anger, and sadness with this being reflected in the collective mind.  It is so easy to tap into that energy, but it does not serve us holistically or spiritually.  It is important to remember we do not have to spiral with that energy because we can choose again.  With each choice we can choose fear or love, ego or spirit.  I am working on staying mindful and present through meditation, prayer, and uplifting entertainment.  I am not ignoring the plight of my world but feel my best gift or solution is sending love, light, peace, healing, and understanding through my prayers and meditations.  I read once that 1% of a population holding the same intention through meditation or prayer can affect positive physical change.  This is known as the 1% Effect.  We are basically at 7.8 billion people on planet earth which means we need 78,000,000 people sending healing love into our world.

While we cannot see it, every kind word and/or kind deed creates a ripple effect through the collective.  What seems meaningless is actually very meaningful to the collective.  Every act counts.  Every word counts. Every small step counts. Continue to take these small steps on your path and it will lead you to your master path for this lifetime.

So, for this month of October let us be mindful of what we are harvesting.  Resist the urge to react to what is happening on the outside.  Remember to go within to find your own truth – that which resonates with your soul – you will know it because you will feel it.  As new truths present themselves, be open to releasing old beliefs which may no longer serve.  Remember to allow each to walk his/her path.  As we humans work on birthing new earth so does mother earth work on birthing her new truths.  She is evolving too just as she has throughout her history.  Maybe Atlantis will rise – just kidding but I would not be surprised if there are some major shifts on our planet in time.

Here is Tania Gabrielle’s video on the October Full Moon.  Click Here.

Here is a wonderful meditation with Archangel Michael from Melanie Beckler. Click Here.

This is a positive energy meditation that I love and listen to every morning entitled “All is Well” by Gabrielle Bernstein.  Click Here.

There are no coincidences in life.  All is happening as it should.  Help is always available, simply ask Spirit.  Listen to that voice within.  That is your soul voice, your internal guidance system.  All is well.

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