Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

The Law of One

Beautiful post with the mysteries of life defined simply in one post. It has taken me a lifetime to learn these truths, yet, I am forever grateful for the lessons that have brought me to this day. The clarion call has been ringing and it is time for me to answer. It is time for me to step into my power. Read this post to hear your heart…

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Vibrational Living

The Magic of Life

It is so simple as it lives within us. It is hard to fathom that the keys are within us to create magic, kingdoms, a new world for us all to live in harmony with one another filled with love, peace, and abundance. And yet it is true. The time for us all to awaken to this truth intimately is fast approaching! Exciting times ahead! Read and reread this truth.

Know it. Feel it. Live it. Share it.

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

The Knowing Awakens

There is something from within me that is calling.  Things outside of me are not making sense.  Yet, from within me this feeling of knowing is calling me to look, to listen, to reevaluate, to think anew, to see the truth of me and of the world.  This knowing is coming from inside me as a growing feeling which becomes stronger and stronger the more I follow it.  Somehow from within, I know certain things are true.  I feel a resonance throughout my being of truth.  I feel a connection to that truth, almost like a coming home sensation.

As I step out with my new knowing I seem to find more truths that resonate from within me.  I come across more people who also seem to resonate with these same truths.  Like minds are connecting across the globe.  This knowing that comes from inside is waking people around the world to see with new eyes.  I find I want to share my truth and join as one collective rising as awakened divine beings standing in our truth, our knowing of all that we are and always were.  As I continue this path, the challenge is to be in it but not of it.  The challenge is to rise above the chaos while also contributing to the awakening for the highest good of all.

I have found a soul tribe of like minds on alternative social media platforms which allow independent thought, critical thinking, discernments of all types, and is a collective of all genders, races, cultures, and countries.  These soul tribes believe in being free and sovereign as divine children of God Source.  They talk of truths, spirituality, ascension, and the great awakening as a given in these circles.  The energy on these sites is high vibrational with everyone being open, respectful, and encouraging to one another.  Most of my family and friends are still on Facebook.  Again, my knowing kicks in and I know I have outgrown Facebook (FB).  The vibration is so low there with no open thought allowed or respected.  FB has become a playground with rules where you get to play provided you follow their rules.  FB has become a one-way relationship – do as I say – much like the rest of our society it seems.  They will mine your data and take your privacy while you share your photos to show others how good your life is going.  It is a service to self structure now that I think about it which is probably why I feel such low vibrations when I am on the platform. 

This knowing has awakened me to more – more of what life can be – not for just me but for all of us on planet earth.  I see the structures of our world in a new way now.  I see the possibilities for new earth.  Not a planetary take over by a one world government as the world economic forum has planned through its great reset but rather a coalition of local councils which all work for the greater good of all not just the elite in society.  When a public servant becomes a millionaire by serving the public you know we have problems!!  The truth of all the corruption must be acknowledged before a more sustainable, equitable, and honest system can be implemented.  This means looking at the truths, accepting the truths, accepting our parts or roles in allowing such atrocities to flourish against our fellow humans as well as ourselves.  I wonder how could we have been so blinded, then I remember to be gentle and loving with myself and others as we awaken to truths that were hidden by evil design coming to the light by divine design.

There are many truthers in the world today.  Not everyone is ready for the truth of our world.  Each of us are on our own path to the truth.  For some it will come sooner while for others it will come later.  As our voice transmits truth it can raise the vibration of those that hear it.  For truth is for the highest good of everyone.  Truth is not an opinion or a belief.  Truth is the actual state of the matter.  Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe our carbon dioxide.  Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.  This is truth.  This is also divine design showcasing how everything in our world interacts organically as created by God. As you hear new truths, take time to sit with them using your heart and your mind which is discernment. See if the truth resonates with you, feel into it, give it time (days) to see how it unfolds for you. There is no need to make conclusions right away. Pay attention for any signs or synchronicities in your life regarding the matter for this is how spirit most often communicates to us in the physical world. Be open to a change of thinking.

The great awakening is humanity seeing and accepting the truth of our world and how we have been living, what we have been believing, what societal conditioning we accepted which disempowered us through our own actions and beliefs.  The great awakening is also the realization we are more than we believed for we are divine light beings; we are children of God Source made in and of His image.  We do have God given power within us.  We are meant to be co-creators with God throughout our lives here on earth.  We can and do manifest our reality be it positive or negative by our own thoughts, words, and actions because we are co-creators. We have the gift of the divine to co-create and reduce our struggle.  It is up to each of us to choose to use it.  There is no reason to struggle in life for by our own divine design we can choose differently.  (Check out the post Will You Answer Prayer in Me)

When we accept these truths, our frequency and our consciousness raise higher.  Each person’s thoughts, choices, actions, and frequency affect the earth collective, like a drop of water on the lake ripples out across the lake.  Each person’s frequency and vibration ripples out to all for we are ultimately all connected as one in higher consciousness.  We can literally create a better world by our own thoughts, choices, and actions in every now moment because of the frequency and vibration created.  Consequently, we each need to play our part in shifting the field of consciousness for the collective. 

Whenever two or more are gathered in my name, I will be with you the Lord proclaims.  I remember that song verse from my childhood and it has always stayed with me.  It is a truth for when we come together in groups, we greatly increase the frequency, vibration, and power to manifest as co-creators.  Some ways to do this are through group meditations, prayer groups, and online groups.  I have connected with groups through social media as well.  Meditation is an excellent tool for connecting through your consciousness to raise your vibration and frequency.  Meditation is a practice for the more you do it the easier it becomes as well as the more benefit you receive.

Positive thoughts are always stronger vibrationally than negative thoughts.  We must learn to control our mind thoughts and emotions to stay in higher vibrations and frequency.  Do not focus on fear or bad things because you are then subconsciously manifesting these outcomes!  If you find yourself doing this, stop, take control, and choose a different thought – a higher thought.  Consciously create every moment of every day.  Awaken to the beautiful life we can all live here on earth once we knowingly become the co-creators we actually are and always have been.

Do you feel a knowing coming from within?  Do you take time to honor this nudging from spirit?  Have you spent time in discernment to learn or understand what this knowing is teaching you or telling you?  Have you tried asking your angels and guides for assistance in discerning truth?

Relax some place quiet for 10 minutes.  Here is an example of how you can begin and then just be one with yourself focusing on your breathing and being open to receive:

I call upon Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron to connect with me now.

I ask for divine guidance to open me to the wisdom of our universe.

I ask to grow in knowing as I awaken to all that I AM.

Thank you for connecting with me now, for so it is.

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Love Trumps Fear

Many say we are in a spiritual war of sorts right now between the light and the dark on earth.  Others refer to this as the biblical war between good and evil.  For others still, it is the fight between the alliance and the cabal. However, you look at it, there is something taking place in our world as the collective work to birth new earth, the golden age of Aquarius.  This new age of peace and enlightenment has been foretold in the stars.  As I study this event, I continue to find new information or at least new to me.  I am going to focus on structures of the dark and light in this post along with what sustains them.

As discussed before, everything in our world operates from vibration and frequency.  This is by divine design by our Creator and is organic to the human being and our planet.  The etheric body permeates our body and extends several inches outside of our body.  Our chakras system is part of the etheric body.  Our etheric body emits our vibrational frequency.  This is why often being in close proximity to someone you can pick up on their vibrational mood for those who are sensitive.  Lower emotions such as fear, shame, guilt, and anger equate to a lower frequency/vibration in the human energy body or etheric body.  Higher emotions of love, joy, and peace vibrate at much higher frequencies.  Paying attention to our energy frequency is critically important at all times for it affects what manifests in our lives but is also especially important now in these current times.

Loosh is a new term I recently heard.  I looked it up.  Interestingly, the only two places I found the term was in the Urban dictionary and a spiritual dictionary.  Loosh is defined as the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans when feeling fearful, threatened, or harmed.  In other words, when you operate at low frequencies, you give off loosh.  Apparently, loosh is the feeding source for the dark forces.  In other words, creating fear for humans is providing food for our parasitic hosts otherwise known as the dark forces.  This makes sense as fear mongering seems to be the order of the day in our media, and many are living in a state of fear given what they project.  (Ivo of Vega: Loosh Channeling)

Many sources claim the organic human matrix was hijacked by the dark forces eons ago, something like 26,000 years ago or since the fall of Atlantis.  These dark forces have kept organic humans trapped in this density of 3D with fear, war, death, repeating the cycle over and over because they need our loosh to survive.  What keeps coming to my mind is the Klingons from Star Trek.  Who knew we were living a Star Trek movie?!?  The dark forces are the service-to-self faction in our society.  The elites, politicians, globalists, celebrities, etc. who are the top one percent of society telling those below them how they should live and work while they do as they please.  While I knew we were just pawns in their game, I did not know we were their source of energy/food.  It seems clearer now and the pieces are starting to fall together.

At this time, we as a collective are awakening to this hijacking of our true organic divine and powerful nature.  We are sovereign beings as created in and of God’s essence.  We have lived in this dense reality with the veil down keeping us from knowing all that we are by nature.  This veil of density was cast over earth by the dark forces – remember the fall of Lucifer (evil – veil). The time has come for the dawn of peace on earth.  Many on earth are waking up to their divine connection to Source, God of all.  We are learning about the divine organic design of the human body with it soul source connection.  We are learning we are co-creators with God, and this was the organic design all along.  We can create or manifest our reality and experiences here on earth from within ourselves.  The ancient teachings exist to lead us to our awakening to the truth of who and what we really are as the human children of God on earth.  (I am planning on delving into these ancient teachings soon.) These truths have been purposefully hidden from us to keep us trapped in 3D, to keep us from ascending in consciousness to the next level as we were organically designed to do as we experienced life on earth.

Think about how the emotions vibrate through your being.  When I feel love, I feel strong, big, confident.  When I feel fear, I feel small, unsure, unconfident.  Tune into your feelings.  Love brings me peace and ease.  Fear brings the opposite, insecurity, and unease.  To move up in consciousness, we must stay in the higher vibrations of love, joy, and peace with ourselves and with others.  There are psychic attacks by dark energies to bring us down on purpose to keep us trapped and to provide the lower energies they need to exist.  When you are feeling lower emotions, call in your angels to assist.  My favorite is to call on Archangel Michael to protect me with his blue flame sword to remove any psychic cords or entities around me.

As this battle wages between the dark and the light, remember to stay in higher vibrations.  Spend time doing something that you enjoy.  Spend time being creative in some fashion.  Spend time laughing and enjoying life.  Spend time imagining what you want to see manifest in the world. Ask Spirit and the angels to protect and guide you in your day as a source of light for our world.  Feed the light with your faith, love, peace, and joy in each day giving gratitude for God’s creation here on earth.

As we collectively stay focused in love and light, we will evolve in consciousness to the next level.  Like any parasitic host, the dark side is not going to freely give up its food source.  Again, we must physically, emotionally, and mentally do the work to free ourselves from this dense duality on earth.  We can do it for we are children of God made of His essence.  When we accept this and live this we stand in our true power as divine sovereign beings of the light.  And then love triumphs over the dark!  Keep the faith, hold the line, soldier on to a bright new future!

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

The Force is You

I feel like I am living in a different reality than others I know.  Do you feel this way?  If you do, you are not alone.  Apparently, we entered bifurcation with the December 21, 2020 solstice … Say what?  I had to look that word up – it is in fact a real word.  Bifurcation is a division into two branches; a forking.  We are in fact living in two different realities – energetically that is.  We are moving from bifurcation through trifurcation into unity as we eventually realize we are all one here on planet earth.

As shown in this diagram there are three energetic realities now in play on planet earth that we may be experiencing:

Reality A:

  • Gaia, mother earth is ascending as predestined in her organic state.
  • Humans are ascending as predestined in their organic state to the fifth dimension (5D).
  • Humans awaken to their power within from the creator. We were destined to recognize (or to remember) we are co-creators with source.  See the post, Will You Answer Prayer in Me and Me in You.
  • As awakened, we see the old structures no longer serving us but controlling us (Government, Finance, Religion, Education, Healthcare).
  • We begin to create the “Service-to-Others” structure on earth.
  • All is one.  I AM one with all.

Reality B:

  • Moving from the illusion of the 3D world into a fourth dimension (4D) consciousness understanding.
  • The collective awakening in consciousness to the possibilities and power within ourselves.
  • The bridge of understanding, learning, and processing between reality A and reality C.

Reality C:

  • Humans who are non-awake or non-aware of the reality in which they are living.
  • Those who accept control of the old structures (Government, Finance, Religion, Education, Healthcare)
  • Those who do not accept or understand their own God given power.  They believe the power lies outside of them. They remain in the 3D world (see post, Sending Out Good Vibrations)
  • Slaves to the “Service-to-Self” structure.

Currently, we are each living in one or more of these realities.  I feel I am living reality A and B.  I see reality C as many, including my family, are living in this 3D reality of reality C.  They believe everything they see on tell-a-vision and read in MSM (mainstream media).  Being a Gemini, I am always looking outside of my paradigm and looking at alternative sources of information.  While I see the virus is a real virus, I do not see a global pandemic.  This virus has an almost 99% survival rate.  It is not the bubonic plague with millions dying.  I see 3D fear mongering by those in control over their human slaves to keep the masses in line with their directives.  I see an experimental vaccine rushed to the masses with serious side effects and questions on its long-term goals.  I hear from family members excited to get their COVID-19 relief checks with plans to spend it before they actually have the check.  They genuinely believe this is free money from their government for they see not the ramifications of the ripple effect of such actions through the economy and its purpose to control the people.  They call it a “stimulus” check believing they are doing their part by spending it to “stimulate” the economy.  This relief check is sold as relief for those suffering for groceries, rent, utilities, etc.  Those truly suffering do in fact need this relief but $600 or even $2000 is not going to fix their ongoing month to month suffering at the hands of governmental control.  If you believe in following the science on the virus, try following the science on economics.  Those in reality C prefer to not think or do research for themselves.  Although, that is not completely fair, because, for many they are simply too tired from working day in and day out to provide for their families to be able to have the luxury of time to think or do research for themselves. This is living in slavery to the established government and financial systems.

This past week we saw some structural upsets.  We saw the everyday investor upset the financial establishment in the US through the GameStop controversy.  Here, we saw the government stand up for the establishment not the everyday American.  We saw the new US president completely ignore the representative congress to sign over 40 executive orders to dictate his administration’s agenda over the people while having the military stand guard outside the capital. We saw many in Europe stand up against their governments overly restrictive coronavirus lockdowns particularly in Austria, Spain, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands.  These types of exposures are helping to awaken people to the reality of their lives in the 3D matrix.  For this, I am thankful for many of us are on the reality B bridge to help facilitate those awakening from reality C.  The more we can bring with us into the higher collective consciousness the better for us all as a planet and the more direct (faster) ascension timeline we will experience.

From the Council of Light Channeling (link) this excerpt talks of the reality split we are experiencing:  “This is the time of the great choosing. In the splitting of the worlds, which side, which one do you choose? It is a continual reaffirmation of your strength, your commitment, your resolve, your direction. Because you are a sovereign being governed by free will, you must clearly – unequivocally – choose. This is the great gift from Divine. There is a divide in the road – which path is yours? As the roads diverge, there is a clear split, an energetic pull, a severance from the other. At the moment of the bifurcation, there is a tearing away of all that is not of the path you chose. For those who have awakened to their greater truth by this juncture, the choice is clearer, but this has to be resolved in all aspects of your being. This process is radically transformative no matter how prepared you are in advance! If you had the gift of foresight, then your role is to process as much as you can before the division so that you may help others as they choose and assimilate. You will have great compassion for everyone because you know what courage and conviction it requires. You will have great compassion for those who chose otherwise or are doubtful, for you were once there yourself. You will have great compassion for yourself as you navigate new territory within your physical body for the first time in human evolution.”

Another excerpt from a different channel (link), the duality experience (reality C) with the singularity experience (reality A) all at one time (reality B):  “…called to hold this powerful energy, this potent experience of Duality and Singularity all at one time, in this lifetime where two worlds were dividing, yet merging…where the new experience was no longer part of the old and the old experience was too dense to be part of the new. Those aware and working to stabilize in the higher timeline are Spiritual Warriors.  WE the Spiritual Warriors are the Bridges into The New World.”

These can be chaotic times, but they are also exciting times.  As always, your perception becomes your reality.  As we navigate these times, it is important to be cognizant of your vibration for your vibration also relates to which reality you are living in at any given now moment.  I discuss vibrations in more detail in the post, Raise Your Vibration.  It is important to remain in high positive vibration to keep your consciousness connected in the higher realms of reality A or B.  By doing this, you will be able to remain calm and relaxed as we move through these reality splits into a unified new earth.  Remember to take time to go within often through meditation, prayer, music or whatever activity brings joy to your heart.  Another activity I have been enjoying lately is visualizing how I imagine new earth will be as we all live globally in peace, freedom, abundance, and joy.

Before we can fully ascend as a collective to new earth consciously into 5D, full Christ consciousness, there are a few steps to take as explained in this video by Magenta Pixie who is a channel for the Laminarians.  To fully understand, I highly encourage you to listen to the video as it goes in depth on our human ascension on earth.  The three steps discussed in detail in the video are:

  1. We must recognize the dark structure of our 3D world such as government control, financial control, religious control, population control, and dark rituals along with its torture and sacrificial offerings involving human trafficking.
  2. We must claim our sovereignty, individually, as a child of God, our creator, source of all that we do not consent to this control or matrix as we are born under universal law of Free Will.
  3. We must choose the light of love for all including the service-to-self fraction for we are all one on earth, one in the body of Christ.  We love all as brothers and sisters in Christ consciousness.

As noted above, this is our time to strengthen our commitment, resolve, and direction on planet earth to create paradise.  Do not fear!  Fear has two meanings:  Forget Everything and Run OR Face Everything and Rise!  Remember, the sacred can replace being scared.  All in our 3D word is an illusion, a play on words, a play in reality.  Make your declaration following the three steps above, then rest in the divine protection of your angles, guides, archangels, and God, source of All.  Choose to live in reality A as the divine being that you and I are, for we are all one!

Another reason to make your declaration is the divine law of free will.  For planet earth is a divine creation of God’s made up of God’s divine creatures.  This defines our sovereignty.  Sovereign is defined as supreme power and authority.  God gave each of us, as his creation, supreme power and authority over ourselves.  This is our innate right as humans on earth.  He enforced this with the divine law of free will on planet earth.  No outside force, entity, or spirit may interfere with our free will without our consent according to divine law, God’s law.  Unfortunately, some forces have crossed this line without our consent, or at least our full knowing consent.  (See Guard Your Right of Free Will) Free will allows us to co-create with life, with God to evolve ourselves.  This is how it was organically designed for planet earth.  Free will allows us to make our choices for our betterment or detriment but always for our growth in learning, evolving, and creating.  (Free Will & Freedom will be in play astrologically in the coming month, check out Tania Gabrielle’s forecast) So, do not forget, make your declaration for it is your sovereign right to do so.  Your active declaration helps to call forth new earth!

As we move forward, I am also reminded to have patience, with myself and with others.  At times I get very frustrated with the non-awake humans in my life, primarily my family and friends.  Although, I am sure they are frustrated with me as we are quite literally living into two different realities at the moment for while I see the bifurcation, they know not of what I speak.  For me, these have been the most difficult times to traverse.  I am reminded in God’s time not mine.  I am reminded I need to allow each to walk their own path for each will awaken to their reality according to God’s will and in God’s time.  Mine is to stand strong in my truth, my knowing, my power … I am light, I am love, I am truth, I am freedom, I Am.

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality

Take a Small Step Before the Quantum Leap

This week is to be a big week for all of us around the globe. The energy is high. Actually, there are two streams of energy in our world right now depending on which one you resonate with: grateful anticipation or fearful anxiousness. I am on the grateful anticipation bandwidth for the time has come for humanity to birth new earth as we join together in unity consciousness. You either know what I am talking about or you do not for either way the choice will be yours to make as the time draws near for soon all shall be revealed as we move into Christ consciousness.

While 2020 was a year for many to open their eyes and awake, if not already, it was also to prepare us for 2021. For the year 2021 will be yet a more powerful year of revelation, freedom, and truth. We have been called to hold the field of love for ourselves and our fellow man as we traverse through the darkness into the light. The fight of good versus evil or light versus dark has already been waged in the higher realms and is over. The light of good has won! Remember this, as each will take the journey to remembering who we really are and what our true mission is here on earth.

This meditation with Archangel Michael from Melanie Beckler is so calming, reassuring, and empowering at this time. Click Here. I implore you to take 15 minutes of solitude to listen and let the waves of love and light wash over you! Focus on the feeling of your heart center in the middle of your chest.

For me right now, my heart center is bursting with light and energy. I feel like Iron Man from the Marvel movies with my center energy core lit and activated. My third eye and crown chakras tingle as they are being awakened in my divine oneness with Source, my divine light being. I am ready as I acknowledge my “I AM” presence with God, Source of All.

To ascend we must acknowledge the light and dark within ourselves as well as within humanity. We incorporate both into the one as we are all one. Consequently, we take the journey into the truth of darkness to understand how to stay in the light. Remember, light illuminates the dark and love overpowers the fear. So, fear not …

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear, I will help you. ~ Isaiah 41:13

As much as possible this week and next, take time to go within yourself to find your truth. The meditation in this post is an excellent tool to use if you are new to these concepts. Spend time reading spiritual material or check out my other blog posts on this site for reference. If your confused or have questions, ask your Spirit for guidance, ask another person you trust who resonates with your truth, or post a question below. Pray. Light a candle. Give thanks. May God, Christ, Mother Mary and the angelic realm bless us, lead us, guide us, and keep us into the new dawn, the golden age of peace on earth. So be it. Amen.

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality

The Choice Is Yours

Each day we all have the choice of how we approach our day, our lives, and our future.  As the saying goes, you can wake up on the right side or the wrong side of the bed.  It all starts with our perception of what we are looking at in any given moment.  Our perception is in fact our reality.  Therefore, two different people can look at the same situation and give completely different facts about the situation based on how that situation played out through their own perception filter or lens.  We all view life through our own unique personal lens filter.  This personal perception is ingrained in our human bodies. However, like the other parts of our bodies it is a dynamic aspect meaning it changes as we change.  As we learn and grow, so too does our perception about things.

There is much talk right now about these times being a choice point for our planet.  Do we evolve and ascend in consciousness or not?  Do we live in the light or the dark?  Do we fight for the truth or accept the status quo? Do we protect mother earth or exploit her resources? Do we value all life, or do we select which lives have more value than others? Do we stand in our power or do we bow in complacency? Do we love each other enough to allow and forgive or do we turn away in fear and revenge?  Most importantly, are we going to birth a new earth, a dawn of peace, the foretold golden age?

It is up to each of us to decide for ourselves what we choose and what role we are willing to play.  We can each see things differently – that is okay.  We are unique divine beings.  It is that divine uniqueness that also makes the divine collective.  Consequently, each in our own way will perceive what to change and what to choose.  I guess the ultimate question then becomes does that choice create more positive energy for the collective or more negative energy for the collective.  For it is my belief that only a choice which contributes positively can “do no harm” to the collective. 

Where our attention goes, our energy follows.  Are we focused on the light or on the dark?  Are we focused on being uplifted or pulled into drama?  Right now, for me, it is certainly difficult for me to stay focused on the light with so much drama playing out with the U.S. election and with covid.  Fake news along with conspiracy theories abound.  What to believe?  I do not know.  I am leaning towards the believing the extra-terrestrials at this point!  What I do know for sure is there was mass fraud in the election with mounds of evidence to substantiate it, but you will not hear about any of that from the mainstream media.  I also believe covid came from the laboratory and not a wet market.  Too much information to back that one up as well.  Focus, I need to focus.

We are in historical times with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the solstice, December 21, 2020.  The star of Bethlehem will shine for the first time since 1226 on December 21, 2020 – look for it in the sky about 45 minutes after sunset.  This incredibly rare 0° conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn heralds one of the major arrival posts of the Age of Aquarius. We have arrived at a galactic event, the start of a 2,000-year age of Freedom.  The Awakening is the understanding that we are both divine and human. On the solstice, we are to make our choice to call for the positive polarization of paradise, new earth or for the opposing polarization, new world reset.  This is our choice point in time.  I encourage you to give it some thought followed by your declaration either aloud or in writing.

I choose the positive polarization of paradise and new earth.

I choose peace, freedom, and prosperity for all.

I choose service to others over service to self.

For I am light, I am truth, I am love.

I am that I am.

In gracious gratitude, so it is.

~ Eliza Gaye

Come into the full knowing of your divine being within your human form.  Feel your power, given by the creator, to call forth with God (co-creation) your desired experience here on earth.  Know it, feel it, think it, and speak it!!!