Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

The Law of One

Beautiful post with the mysteries of life defined simply in one post. It has taken me a lifetime to learn these truths, yet, I am forever grateful for the lessons that have brought me to this day. The clarion call has been ringing and it is time for me to answer. It is time for me to step into my power. Read this post to hear your heart…

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Happy December 2020

I wanted to share this excellent message for our times. Please give yourself the gift of listening to this message to uplift and transform yourself as well as our world. Namaste 🙏🏻

From Melanie Beckler, a message from Archangel Gabriel:

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Through a recent conversation with a friend, I realized for many, this time could be difficult not just with the stress of the virus or the world but also looking within ourselves.  Working on myself is a path I deliberately committed to back in 2016. I was driven to find my purpose in life, to explore my spiritual callings, and to actualize my potential.  I have been on this path for four years learning and exploring my inner self, my outer self, my higher self.  For many, this is not a personal passion or even a comfortable subject to discuss.  Some have been there before but are now distant.  Some are working on it.  Others do not even want to discuss it.

I believe, as many others do, this time is a divine purposeful gift to all of humanity.  The year 2020 is literally written in the stars or astrology that is 😊.  This is the year for humanity to begin to awaken if they have not. Thus, the forced journey inward during this chaotic year with most of it being spent at home … for everyone.  For many this means shadow work and possibly facing their dark night of the soul on top of whatever else each is facing in their life at this time.

I feel I went through my dark night of the soul between 2009 to 2014.  During that time, several things came crashing down on me.  Pretty much every area of my life bottomed out:  home life, married life, work life, family life, financial life.  Most of those days it was a struggle to get out of bed, take care of the kids, and try to keep it together.  At the time I worked as a church administrator, so I renewed my faith in church and clung to the scriptures getting me through the difficult times.  I was not comfortable sharing my struggles with family or friends, so it was also a very lonely time for me with me wondering many times should I go on.  My two boys were the reason I kept getting up in the morning. 

I made it through those dark times with help.  I renewed my prayer life and started actively reading the daily scriptures.  I broke down in my doctor’s office leading her to give me the name of a good therapist and putting me on Prozac to help me with the stress of processing my life.  I took the Prozac and called the therapist.  With time, prayer, and my therapist, I was able to begin putting my life back together.  By 2015, I was able to stop the Prozac along with my therapist.  The smartest thing I did was get myself some help.  We all need help sometimes.  We are human.  It is okay to ask for help in your life.

Through my dark night of the soul I felt like I was being finely tempered like a metal blade in the fire.  I learned firsthand about temperance, judgement, patience, and prudence in my life.  I am very conscious of my choices and decisions in my life now.  I am very cautious about the things I might wish for because I learned firsthand the grass is not always greener and you might just get what you wished for along with all of its trappings.  I have a broader perspective on life now.  I have learned not to let what is happening in the “now” define me.  Five years of despair in a life of eighty plus years is not much at all when you think about it.  I am who I am today because of all I went through and for that I am eternally grateful.

When I think about this time in my life, I think of the song Gracefully Broken by Matt Redman.  It is beautiful and a great reminder that we are all human and all broken. 

Fast forward to 2020, four years of intentionally living as co-creator of my life I am happier than ever.  My life has truly transformed because I learned to understand the me – we relationship with spirit or divine source.  I learned to love myself.  I learned to talk to my inner child.  I am intentionally co-creating with my higher self.  However, these transformations did not just come to me.  I had to do the work, the education, and the practice.  As I have said before, if only our education system was designed to truly teach us about our humanness, the physical world, and the non-physical world, we would be so much farther ahead in our lives.  Maybe one day I can make a difference in this area.  I would love to create a “life” class for all four years of high school. 

While we are here in physical form in a physical reality, we are still directly connected to the non-physical realm.  Our task is to remember this and to learn to partner with the non-physical to live a fully actualized human experience.  We each have a soul, an inner knowing, a higher self that is a part of our being.  We each have an angel team and spirit guides assigned to assist us through this human life.  These are all available for us – if we but merely only ask for their assistance.  Remember, you are love, you are light, you are spirit incarnate!

As we move into the winter here in the states, I am noticing the seasons much more since moving to the country.  Each season has its purpose.  Fall is winding down here. The fields are brown, raked clean from the harvest.  The days are getting shorter with more darkness than light now.  Winter is coming.  Winter is the time for rest, renewal, rejuvenation, and hibernation.  Mother nature is purposeful in it being cold and dark for us to retreat inside. As winter, comes to a close, the days will get longer with more light as we come out to begin anew.  We plant in the spring our new life.  The tractors roll in the fields planting the corn.  Next comes Summer when the corn grows fast and tall, strong, and plentiful.  We enjoy the long days of light playing in the sunshine.  Soon enough Fall will come back around for us to harvest the seeds we planted in the spring, to take stock of our bounty, and to prepare for our winter’s retreat.

This yearly cycle of the seasons closely resembles our cycles through life.  During the dark times, remember to look for the blessing in any burden.  Give thanks throughout all of life, not for just the joyous occasions.  Give thanks for the often overlooked but gifts none the less such as clean water, hot water, blooming flowers, buzzing bees, and a child’s laughter.  When I wake up now, I give thanks for the beautiful new day, my bed, my blankets, and I keep looking around and giving thanks for all I see.  It really will set the tone for the day – a miraculous day!

So, if you have not already, I encourage you to do the work to go within, to reconnect with your spirit.  Now is the time.  Now is the gift.  As you stay at home and hibernate through the winter, take the time to renew your spirit.  No one can do it for you.  Each of us must walk our own path to find our own truth in our own time.  You will find greater happiness along the way.  When we live with purpose, we become fulfilled, in essence, our cup over floweth to shine our light for others.  My journey is chronicled in this blog to share with others in the hopes we all return to the awareness of all that we are – one with each other, one in divine source, God.

Another wonderful song for us to end on: You Are Love by Laura Story.

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Sending Out Good Vibrations

In today’s chaotic world, keeping a good vibration is difficult but necessary to transcend the times.  The times I am referring to are almost to the point of exploding all around us such as the virus, the election, the shift in dimensions, the exposition of corruption not to mention the natural disasters happening all over our planet.  The poor Gulf of Mexico has had one hurricane after another this year.  Everyone is counting down the days for 2020 to be over.  My recommendation is to buckle up because we still have two more months to go!

The energy in the air is running high.  I am not sure you can feel it, but I feel it big time!  Like begets like just as energy begets energy.  We all need to stay mindful of our energy in mind, body, and spirit now and into the future coming months.  I remember back in 2012 when the Wii game was introduced. It was the must have game of the holiday season that year.  Everyone I knew was on the hunt for the game that sold off the shelves the minute it hit the stores.  I had a tip from a Target worker that there was a shipment coming in Saturday morning.  I talked a friend, who was also on the hunt for the game, into a stake out at the store overnight to get our hands on the Wii.  We arrived at 3am with coffee, movies, and blankets for our stake out.  We were the first ones there.  Soon another car arrived and then another.  We were not going to miss our chance especially being the first ones in the parking lot.  We grabbed chairs with our blankets and hurried into the line at the door by 4 am.  As we waited the next four hours outside in the cold for the store to open, we chatted with the others in line with us to find out their stories. It is amazing how we can bond with one another whenever we find a common connection.  At 7:30 am they came out to give numbers to everyone in line so that we did not trample each other trying to share the joy of the holiday season grabbing at the gift we wanted to own and tearing it out of another’s hands.  We were numbers 4 and 5.  The energy was building.  We were getting revved up to win the prize of the Wii for our determination, persistence, and willingness to lose sleep along with shivering for four hours was about to pay off.  By 8 am about 50 people were in line ready to burst through the doors.  As they unlocked the doors, we all cheered and rushed forward.  We were all in the moment with the energy of the moment shared in the collective of us all.  As we briskly walked to the electronics department, we passed a shelf of Talking Elmo’s.  Everyone was grabbing an Elmo.  I looked at my friend and I grabbed an Elmo.  She grabbed an Elmo too.  I decided if one was that good then I had better get two and I grabbed another Elmo!  We did not even know what a Talking Elmo was, but the energy compelled us to act and follow suit.  We proceeded with our Wii games and Talking Elmo’s to the checkout counter.  We were wide awake and still running on the adrenaline of the event after check out, so we went out for breakfast.  Once we were away from our newfound friends sitting down for breakfast, we looked at each other and asked what did we do?  We have a total of three Talking Elmo’s when we did not need even one!  We ended up donating the Talking Elmo’s to a holiday charity for children in need.  Three kids in need unwrapped the toy of the season that year.  We have laughed and laughed about that night we were completely carried away by what was going on around us.  What we were completely carried away with was the energy around us!

This type of collective energy is being played out for us in our communities, in social media, and on the news to name to a few.  An example is the mob energy of the riots which produces violence, looting, and destruction. We have the left versus the right energies on social media.  We have the good patriots against the evil deep state.  If we are not careful individually with our energy, we can become part of something that may not serve our best interests.  Each person’s individual energy ripples out to become part of the whole collective’s energy.  Likewise, our individual consciousness affects the collective consciousness. It’s important to note here that changes in consciousness can and will impact our energy bodies. And on the other hand, changes within the energy bodies will also impact consciousness.  For more insight on connecting and controlling your energy, thoughts, and actions check out my post Return to the Awareness of All that You Are.

All types of energy can be found in our bodies.  Thermal energy is used for temperature control.  Chemical energy is used in the body from food and processing the food.  Mechanical energy is used to help us move.  Electrical energy is used in our nervous system.  There are different types of non-physical energy used by our bodies in our chakra system and meridian system.  If any of these are new to you, I encourage you to explore these concepts further.  If we were taught how our body was divinely designed to work by our creator in school, I believe we would already be living in the era of peace.  But I digress…

As I mentioned we seem to be in the midst of the great shift or ascension period.  If these terms are new to you, they are the terms used for humanity awakening to the truth of themselves.  As a whole humanity is moving from 3D to 4D to 5D through this period.  The 3rd dimension is where we see everything as outside of ourselves including God or divine source.  In the 4th dimension we realize God, which is our divine power, lives within us.  Achieving 5th dimension, we see that everything is God, and we are one with all of it.  We see the truth of ourselves as divine beings having a human experience not as humans having a spiritual experience.  Once we can recognize our divinity as children of God, our whole outlook on our world will change.  This is the prophesied golden age of peace.

This year of 2020 is purposefully bringing much to light for us to see the truth of our world.  The imposed lockdowns are opportunities for us to go inward to discover these truths for ourselves.  I realized this in my post, You Now Have Time.  In fact, the USA election controversy is another opportunity for us to learn, to digest, to go inward, to pause, to reset.  Again, we are being given time to truly evaluate ourselves as to who we are and who we want to be.  This year is not over.  I am sure this journey into the truth is not over either.

As more comes into the light I am reminded of the first time I heard the words “cognitive dissonance” – I had never heard of that term before, so I looked it up.  Cognitive dissonance is the psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously.  In other words, you have such a deep belief in something such that even when you are shown it to be false you cannot accept the facts.

The person who was explaining this to me was sharing that many of us have this as the truths about pedophilia among the elite come to light a long with so many other uncomfortable truths in our society.  After diving deeper into these subjects, I was moved to pen Guard Your Right of Free Will since I was unaware, I unconsciously could have given energy to these evil practices.  The energies and consciousness of the individual feeds into the collective.  We are all connected, we are all one – in bodies, mind, and spirit. 

But alas, not all is lost.  We are ascending. Mother earth is busy birthing new earth. Many are awakened to this process and indeed have chosen to be here at this time for this purpose for there are no coincidences in life once you are tuned in, tapped in, and turned on.  I am here to shine my light, to hold the light, and to serve for my highest good and highest truth.  And yet many times I am still confused on my next step forward.  Prayer and meditation have been most helpful as well as all the information and people that continue to cross my path for there are no coincidences.  The hardest part is letting go of the old to trust the new.  I am learning to follow my heart center, which is the home of my higher self, my soul.  I am learning to pause, to breathe, to let it sit for a while, to ask for guidance, to find balance, to trust in the process.

The 11:11 gateway is upon us!  If you have been seeing 11:11 everywhere, you are being awakened to the truth of who you really are as a divine being made in and of God’s image.  November 11th is 11:11 known as gateway of light.  The higher realms are pouring light into our world right now to assist with our ascension as we make the shift into a higher dimension collectively.  To learn more about 11:11, click here.  From November 10th through the 17th the divine light will be focused on earth for the purpose of assisting humanity to awaken to their spiritual power as divine beings.  This does happen every year, but this year, the year of 2020, has been pretty special – so I have to believe the light this year is going to be pretty special too.

We have all been here before, for the most part.  There are a few new souls to earth however most of us have lived many lives here on earth.  Through those lives we have been both male and female, good and bad, black and white, rich and poor, etc.  Each time we come to learn and do better for our souls to ascend higher.  Christ is known as the ascended master because he achieved full ascension.  It is the goal for each of our souls to ascend such that we know we are all one – one in the body of our creator, God.  Breathe, Repeat talks about the duality in our world and offers a link to an excellent class for us to learn to transcend this duality to live in true 5D.

During this high energy time, let us remember to breathe, pause, reset.  Let us remember it is our conscious choice to choose love (the light) over ego (the fear).  Let us have temperance with one another. Let us remember to live in a good vibration – individually as well as collectively! 

Here is another great post on vibration: The Angels: Vote With Your Vibration

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Breathe, Repeat

There has been so much chaos in my world in the past couple of months. As I write this my stomach churns over the thought of all that is going on in my world. I decided I need to write it out to soothe my nerves. So, as I continue to write, some revelations are dawning on me. It is not really my direct world now is it? It is what is going on with “the virus” around the world and what is going on with protests, demonstrations, and politics in the US, my home country. These things are happening outside of me, myself and I. In fact, where I live in the country you would never know they are going on at all. So, then it is me and my perception that is creating this problem for me. Wow, I need a dose of my own medicine!

I need to turn off the outside world and go within. How many times have I heard that before? How many times have I said that before? Just like the shampoo bottle says to lather, rinse, repeat. I need to read my own blog, breathe, repeat.

I have been wanting to share with you the information I found on duality and its role in our world as well as in our individual lives. I am sure you have heard of the blue pill versus the red pill. Basically, the people on the blue pill have not awakened to their full spiritual essence. People on the red pill have awakened or are starting to awaken to all that is both here on earth and outside of earth including the spiritual world and the galactic world. However, the red pill people are not as “woke” as they think since they continue to live in judgement. In this video by Amanda Ellis she teaches about the violet pill as instructed from Archangel Metatron. It is a long video, almost two hours but so worth watching!!! In fact, I took pages of notes while watching it! I have a whole new understanding of good and evil in our world along with the roles we each play in life. I can see now after this instruction that until we each take the violet pill there can be no peace, love and understanding on earth. We are each here playing the role we signed up for in this lifetime. The question then becomes, how do we transcend that role? I would love to hear your comments on this question and the video – so please share below so we can discuss!!

Violet Pill – Multi-demensional Soul Adventures – Master Teaching by Amanda Ellis

I have been getting this information repeated to me by the universe a lot lately. Aluna Ash is another who has been posting until we all see each as part of each other and our roles we each play in this drama of life we remain separate from source. I made the decision today to unplug since I was letting the chaos take my peace. After rereading a post from Aluna Ash today, I am going on the 3 days of darkness challenge to stay unplugged from the chaos, to maintain a high vibration, and to change my perception to be what I want to see in the world. It’s an excellent post that might require you to read it a few times to fully comprehend it (at least I needed to read it multiple times 😊). As she explains “Although we each hold infinite potential, we are limited only by our perception of ourself, others and the world. To change another, we must change how we perceive the other. To change the world, we must change how we perceive the world. It is all within. If we believe someone to be toxic, it’s not them we need to change- but our perception and belief of them. Others and the world only reflects our private thought conversations and deeper beliefs.” Click here to checkout her Facebook post for the full lesson.

As I write this I am reminded – yet again – of the roles we are each playing on this stage of life. I just need to settle down, to let go, to breathe. I cannot change others views or opinions by sharing information on social media even though there is so much coming out of the shadows and into the light. I am the one that needs to let go. Each will awaken to their own truth in their own time. It is not my job (even though sometimes I think maybe it is) to enlighten another. It is my job to work on enlightening myself. I need to work on changing my perception and in so doing change my world.

There are just so many triggers out there! I must overcome these because they are not going anywhere any time soon. Especially here in the US we will remain in chaos until the election is over that is a given … followed by the aftermath. God help us all! Maybe another pill will come along for that … until then … let go, hold the light, breathe, repeat!



Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality

In the Stillness

The captivity started with the Coronavirus

Next came the captivity of my community

Followed by the captivity of my house

Now I am a captive of my own thoughts

No place to go but within myself

To be still

To know my God

No church open to give me their God

My God calls from within

My God leads me to green pastures

My God comforts me

In this captivity

In this stillness

I know my God

My God is an infinite, loving, abundant God

All will be well says my God

He lives in me and I in Him

No building is needed

Just time

Just stillness born by the illness

In the stillness find your God

He is calling to you

Harken the voice from within

Be still

Be one with your God
