Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Embody Your Highest Light, Your Highest Truth

As I sit and ponder this divinely inspired topic, I think this is a conscious choice we must actively decide if we want to live it. It is not a one-time deal or decision. It is a day by day active decision much like any habit we are trying to form before we can live it without consciously thinking about it. I still remind myself to stay centered in light and love every day! It seems there is almost always a daily challenge that comes up where I have to remind myself to breathe and consciously choose the light. The good news is it is easier and easier to change my thoughts, actions and vibration to that of the light which is the highest truth I want to live!

The secret to my success is to ask! Ask for help from God, Holy Spirit, Angels. They are all real and all eager to assist and help … but must be asked! This is due to the Right of Free Will. If you need a review on this check out the post Lift the Veil and Guard Your Right of Free Will. Basically, the spirit world may not intervene in the physical world unless given permission. So, say Yes! And Ask!

Your highest light is going to be grounded in love and service for all. Each person will have their own definition of their highest light – or – the way in which they can bring love and help others in the process to evolve. For me, writing these posts are a big part of shining my light in the world. If one person is moved to be a better version of his or herself, then I have helped another by shining my light and love. We all must start somewhere, and this is my start to embody my highest light, my highest truth and to put it out there in the world. It doesn’t have to be big. You just have to start.

I spend time volunteering as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) once a month for a few hours. That’s another start. I am happy to cook and clean for my family and friends which is another avenue to shine my light. If I post on social media, I am conscious now to make it positive and to be a reflection of the light and of my truth. If I am going to participate in an event, outing, or show, I pay attention to whether my participation is in line or in vibration with embodying my highest light, my highest truth. I am doing it one day at a time and you can too! One decision at a time to be the person you want to be in this world.

Spend time just pondering this topic for the next few days to see how it reveals itself to you.   What comes up for you?  How do you shine your highest light? Your highest truth? Do you have any secrets on accomplishing this that just might help me or others? I would love to hear about it, please comment below!!! In closing it seems appropriate to have a prayer which includes asking for assistance in living our highest light and truth!

Dear Lord of All,
Open my eyes to see,
Open my ears to hear,
Open my heart to feel,
Give me the courage to shine my light of love in this world today, tomorrow,
and the day after that,
Give me strength to keep going and to not give up on my dreams or myself or on you,
Give me wisdom to know the way,
I ask this today and everyday,
that you walk with me, guiding me, leading me
I ask that you shine your light and your truth ahead of me
that I might know you, to follow you,
I thank you for all that is and ever will be,
I ask all this in gracious gratitude for, so it is,


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