Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Vibrational Living

The Magic of Life

It is so simple as it lives within us. It is hard to fathom that the keys are within us to create magic, kingdoms, a new world for us all to live in harmony with one another filled with love, peace, and abundance. And yet it is true. The time for us all to awaken to this truth intimately is fast approaching! Exciting times ahead! Read and reread this truth.

Know it. Feel it. Live it. Share it.

Awakening, Conscious Living, Spirituality

Circle of Life

I need to write today.  So much has happened calling back a flood of memories, unresolved circumstances, and desolation in finding the right path.  I haven’t written in a while as I haven’t had the urge or nudge to do so yet I have spent hours pondering our current world’s plight.  There is an old saying that births and deaths come in 3’s.  I just had my third death, but I don’t think it is stopping at three this time.  As I listened to my music, each song brings back a memory for me.  Yes, I am still playing songs I purchased through apple music on itunes 😊. 

As I ponder life and death today, my cousin just died, and my niece is being induced with her first child.  The circle of life in all its glory on display for my family.  It is not the first time for years ago a nephew was born at the same time as my grandmother’s death.  God giveth and God taketh away but the spirit lives on.  I believe this with my whole heart.  The creation of life is a miracle as well as each live birth for childbirth can still be dangerous and for some fatal as I know someone whose cousin recently died after giving birth.  Death is coming for us all one day regardless of age, race, and status of our health.   I see death as the release of the spirit/soul from the body to rejoin with our creator.  It is a time of celebration for that soul albeit a time of morning for those loved ones left behind.

One song today that brought the memories flooding back to me was One Hell of an Amen by Brantley Gilbert.  The lyrics in this song are for my dear friend and co-worker, Tony Funk.  Tony oversaw facilities and maintenance for our parish campus, and I was the office administrator for the parish.  It was a very difficult time for us at the parish in late 2015 and early 2016.  Our boss, the monsignor was very ill with diabetic complications being in and out of the hospital on several occasions.  Being a priest, he had no direct family to care for him and his closest relative, his sister, was two hours away.  I was the one to be at the hospital every day he was admitted as well as in the office to keep things running.  His diabetic condition worsened to the point where his foot up to his knee had to be amputated to keep the infection from taking over his body.  He had vascular complications on top of it all.  At one critical point the infection had reached his blood causing a septic infection to take over his body.  I was the one to press the hospital staff that something was terribly wrong, and they were not paying attention.  I urged his sister to make the trip down as something was seriously wrong.  The hospital staff was not listening, and I needed her their as family to insist on action.  Together we were able to convince the hospitalist that they were missing something as he was declining fast.  It was a blessing that one of the parishioners was a nurse in the lab at the hospital and she mentioned the infection had reached his blood.  The hospitalist was surprised to hear this as he was not aware of it.  That was the darkest day as it was up to our dear monsignor to fight the infection now that the hospital was treating it correctly, but much time had passed, and a sceptic infection can be deadly.  It was time to get down on our knees and pray.  I went back to the office to send out a parish wide email that prayers were needed for monsignor was gravely ill.

During this time, Tony comes down with what he thought was the flu or something as he didn’t feel well and just couldn’t shake it.  Tony was one of the healthiest people I knew.  He made sure to get in his 10,000 steps every day.  He ate only health food. He was the kindest man I have ever met.  I never heard him say one bad word against another.  He never missed a day of work unless he was seriously sick.  Tony called in sick as he just couldn’t shake whatever it was he had.

Monsignor responded to the IV antibiotics and was on the road to recovery although he still had the other critical medical issues to deal with.  He moved from the hospital to rehab for his leg as well as regular hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments for healing.  Around this time, Tony is still not feeling better, and the doctor decides to admit him to the hospital for tests.  After a week of tests, the doctors thought they had a diagnosis, but it was so rare they were not sure.  Tony never made it out of the hospital.  A week later he died in the hospital before they could begin what they hoped were treatments.  I never made it to the hospital to see Tony. To this day that haunts me.  I was so busy caring for monsignor that I had my assistant go to the hospital to check on Tony.  By the grace of God, we had two priests at our parish so while monsignor was in the hospital the other priest could be present for Tony in the hospital.  My assistant phoned me to tell me it was not looking good for Tony. He had the look of death.  If you have not been around many dying people, you might not know what that means however if you have then you know exactly what that means.  I heard the song “Hell of an Amen” on my way home that night and cried.  I sent a card for Tony that I had hoped my assistant or his wife could read to him with the words “if I don’t see you again my friend, then it is one hell of an amen.”  I planned to get to his hospital room after leaving monsignor’s hospital room that day then received the call that Tony had passed.  I was shaken.  Who would have thought that healthy Tony would die two weeks after entering the hospital while I had been in and out of the hospital with monsignor for months!

What could I have done differently?  What could I have done better?  Why does God always take the good ones early?  Tony’s spirit had passed over to the other side.  I asked his sprit for forgiveness for not making it there in time.  I was so sorry I had thought monsignor was more critical, so I needed to stay with him versus being at the hospital with Tony.  The circle of life.  So many lessons.

During difficult times, I love this song, Strong Enough by Matthew West. I have played it often to see me through my darkest times. The words are a balm to my soul.

For my cousin, Tina, Blest Are They Blest are you dear cousin for you shall see the face of God!

My cousin dying is another of the only the good die young ones.  She went into the hospital a couple of weeks ago with Covid and passed yesterday.  I know she is in a better place.  Her spirit is free to soar now no longer trapped in the physical vessel we call the human body.  Why some recover and some die we do not know for only God knows for thy will be done for the highest good of all.  On eagle’s wings, Tina, may you fly to God for now you can see all of life’s weavings …


[Author Uknown]

My life is but a weaving

between my God and me;

I may not choose the colors,

He knows what they should be;

For He can view the pattern

Upon the upper side,

While I can see it only

On this, the under side.

Sometimes He weaveth sorrow,

Which seemeth strange to me;

But I will trust His judgment;

And work on faithfully;

‘Tis he who fills the shuttle,

He knows just what is best;

So I shall weave in earnest

And leave with Him the rest.

At last, when life is ended,

With Him I shall abide,

Then I may view the pattern

Upon the upper side;

Then I shall know the reason

Why pain with joy entwined,

Was woven in the fabric

Of life that God designed.

May we all remember our loved ones who have passed on with hearts full of love and memories that bring smiles to our faces as we celebrate their reunion with the Creator, our Lord!  May we welcome our new loved ones (as I receive the message my niece is in full labor now) with joy in our hearts, hope and dreams for their future as we celebrate the children of God they are!  May we continue our journey, our soul’s path in this lifetime to learn the lessons we are to learn in our own circle of life!  May God continue to bless us, keep us, guide us, and lead us. Amen!

Meditation and prayer are the tonic for these unprecedented times!  Please take time to spend in quiet solitude to commune with the Holy Spirit.  Ask for what you seek.  Ask for discernment. Give thanks. Keep your heart pure in light, in love, and in service to all. Namaste.

A little FYI that not many know … the funeral mass in Catholicism is celebrated with white vestments and cloths to symbolize the joyful event of the soul leaving the body to be reunited with Christ. 

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

The Force is You

I feel like I am living in a different reality than others I know.  Do you feel this way?  If you do, you are not alone.  Apparently, we entered bifurcation with the December 21, 2020 solstice … Say what?  I had to look that word up – it is in fact a real word.  Bifurcation is a division into two branches; a forking.  We are in fact living in two different realities – energetically that is.  We are moving from bifurcation through trifurcation into unity as we eventually realize we are all one here on planet earth.

As shown in this diagram there are three energetic realities now in play on planet earth that we may be experiencing:

Reality A:

  • Gaia, mother earth is ascending as predestined in her organic state.
  • Humans are ascending as predestined in their organic state to the fifth dimension (5D).
  • Humans awaken to their power within from the creator. We were destined to recognize (or to remember) we are co-creators with source.  See the post, Will You Answer Prayer in Me and Me in You.
  • As awakened, we see the old structures no longer serving us but controlling us (Government, Finance, Religion, Education, Healthcare).
  • We begin to create the “Service-to-Others” structure on earth.
  • All is one.  I AM one with all.

Reality B:

  • Moving from the illusion of the 3D world into a fourth dimension (4D) consciousness understanding.
  • The collective awakening in consciousness to the possibilities and power within ourselves.
  • The bridge of understanding, learning, and processing between reality A and reality C.

Reality C:

  • Humans who are non-awake or non-aware of the reality in which they are living.
  • Those who accept control of the old structures (Government, Finance, Religion, Education, Healthcare)
  • Those who do not accept or understand their own God given power.  They believe the power lies outside of them. They remain in the 3D world (see post, Sending Out Good Vibrations)
  • Slaves to the “Service-to-Self” structure.

Currently, we are each living in one or more of these realities.  I feel I am living reality A and B.  I see reality C as many, including my family, are living in this 3D reality of reality C.  They believe everything they see on tell-a-vision and read in MSM (mainstream media).  Being a Gemini, I am always looking outside of my paradigm and looking at alternative sources of information.  While I see the virus is a real virus, I do not see a global pandemic.  This virus has an almost 99% survival rate.  It is not the bubonic plague with millions dying.  I see 3D fear mongering by those in control over their human slaves to keep the masses in line with their directives.  I see an experimental vaccine rushed to the masses with serious side effects and questions on its long-term goals.  I hear from family members excited to get their COVID-19 relief checks with plans to spend it before they actually have the check.  They genuinely believe this is free money from their government for they see not the ramifications of the ripple effect of such actions through the economy and its purpose to control the people.  They call it a “stimulus” check believing they are doing their part by spending it to “stimulate” the economy.  This relief check is sold as relief for those suffering for groceries, rent, utilities, etc.  Those truly suffering do in fact need this relief but $600 or even $2000 is not going to fix their ongoing month to month suffering at the hands of governmental control.  If you believe in following the science on the virus, try following the science on economics.  Those in reality C prefer to not think or do research for themselves.  Although, that is not completely fair, because, for many they are simply too tired from working day in and day out to provide for their families to be able to have the luxury of time to think or do research for themselves. This is living in slavery to the established government and financial systems.

This past week we saw some structural upsets.  We saw the everyday investor upset the financial establishment in the US through the GameStop controversy.  Here, we saw the government stand up for the establishment not the everyday American.  We saw the new US president completely ignore the representative congress to sign over 40 executive orders to dictate his administration’s agenda over the people while having the military stand guard outside the capital. We saw many in Europe stand up against their governments overly restrictive coronavirus lockdowns particularly in Austria, Spain, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands.  These types of exposures are helping to awaken people to the reality of their lives in the 3D matrix.  For this, I am thankful for many of us are on the reality B bridge to help facilitate those awakening from reality C.  The more we can bring with us into the higher collective consciousness the better for us all as a planet and the more direct (faster) ascension timeline we will experience.

From the Council of Light Channeling (link) this excerpt talks of the reality split we are experiencing:  “This is the time of the great choosing. In the splitting of the worlds, which side, which one do you choose? It is a continual reaffirmation of your strength, your commitment, your resolve, your direction. Because you are a sovereign being governed by free will, you must clearly – unequivocally – choose. This is the great gift from Divine. There is a divide in the road – which path is yours? As the roads diverge, there is a clear split, an energetic pull, a severance from the other. At the moment of the bifurcation, there is a tearing away of all that is not of the path you chose. For those who have awakened to their greater truth by this juncture, the choice is clearer, but this has to be resolved in all aspects of your being. This process is radically transformative no matter how prepared you are in advance! If you had the gift of foresight, then your role is to process as much as you can before the division so that you may help others as they choose and assimilate. You will have great compassion for everyone because you know what courage and conviction it requires. You will have great compassion for those who chose otherwise or are doubtful, for you were once there yourself. You will have great compassion for yourself as you navigate new territory within your physical body for the first time in human evolution.”

Another excerpt from a different channel (link), the duality experience (reality C) with the singularity experience (reality A) all at one time (reality B):  “…called to hold this powerful energy, this potent experience of Duality and Singularity all at one time, in this lifetime where two worlds were dividing, yet merging…where the new experience was no longer part of the old and the old experience was too dense to be part of the new. Those aware and working to stabilize in the higher timeline are Spiritual Warriors.  WE the Spiritual Warriors are the Bridges into The New World.”

These can be chaotic times, but they are also exciting times.  As always, your perception becomes your reality.  As we navigate these times, it is important to be cognizant of your vibration for your vibration also relates to which reality you are living in at any given now moment.  I discuss vibrations in more detail in the post, Raise Your Vibration.  It is important to remain in high positive vibration to keep your consciousness connected in the higher realms of reality A or B.  By doing this, you will be able to remain calm and relaxed as we move through these reality splits into a unified new earth.  Remember to take time to go within often through meditation, prayer, music or whatever activity brings joy to your heart.  Another activity I have been enjoying lately is visualizing how I imagine new earth will be as we all live globally in peace, freedom, abundance, and joy.

Before we can fully ascend as a collective to new earth consciously into 5D, full Christ consciousness, there are a few steps to take as explained in this video by Magenta Pixie who is a channel for the Laminarians.  To fully understand, I highly encourage you to listen to the video as it goes in depth on our human ascension on earth.  The three steps discussed in detail in the video are:

  1. We must recognize the dark structure of our 3D world such as government control, financial control, religious control, population control, and dark rituals along with its torture and sacrificial offerings involving human trafficking.
  2. We must claim our sovereignty, individually, as a child of God, our creator, source of all that we do not consent to this control or matrix as we are born under universal law of Free Will.
  3. We must choose the light of love for all including the service-to-self fraction for we are all one on earth, one in the body of Christ.  We love all as brothers and sisters in Christ consciousness.

As noted above, this is our time to strengthen our commitment, resolve, and direction on planet earth to create paradise.  Do not fear!  Fear has two meanings:  Forget Everything and Run OR Face Everything and Rise!  Remember, the sacred can replace being scared.  All in our 3D word is an illusion, a play on words, a play in reality.  Make your declaration following the three steps above, then rest in the divine protection of your angles, guides, archangels, and God, source of All.  Choose to live in reality A as the divine being that you and I are, for we are all one!

Another reason to make your declaration is the divine law of free will.  For planet earth is a divine creation of God’s made up of God’s divine creatures.  This defines our sovereignty.  Sovereign is defined as supreme power and authority.  God gave each of us, as his creation, supreme power and authority over ourselves.  This is our innate right as humans on earth.  He enforced this with the divine law of free will on planet earth.  No outside force, entity, or spirit may interfere with our free will without our consent according to divine law, God’s law.  Unfortunately, some forces have crossed this line without our consent, or at least our full knowing consent.  (See Guard Your Right of Free Will) Free will allows us to co-create with life, with God to evolve ourselves.  This is how it was organically designed for planet earth.  Free will allows us to make our choices for our betterment or detriment but always for our growth in learning, evolving, and creating.  (Free Will & Freedom will be in play astrologically in the coming month, check out Tania Gabrielle’s forecast) So, do not forget, make your declaration for it is your sovereign right to do so.  Your active declaration helps to call forth new earth!

As we move forward, I am also reminded to have patience, with myself and with others.  At times I get very frustrated with the non-awake humans in my life, primarily my family and friends.  Although, I am sure they are frustrated with me as we are quite literally living into two different realities at the moment for while I see the bifurcation, they know not of what I speak.  For me, these have been the most difficult times to traverse.  I am reminded in God’s time not mine.  I am reminded I need to allow each to walk their own path for each will awaken to their reality according to God’s will and in God’s time.  Mine is to stand strong in my truth, my knowing, my power … I am light, I am love, I am truth, I am freedom, I Am.

Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

To My Own Self Be True

In today’s world of political correctness, censorship, cancel culture, and critical theory, I have decided it is more important than ever to be true to myself.  It is important to stop listening to the outside world and to begin listening to our inner self otherwise known as our soul.  We each have an inner knowing, an inner guidance system, our God given inner voice, our intuition, that will steer us in the divine right direction… if we but only listen.  Our egos are loud and demanding.  Our inner guidance is quiet giving us nudges.  I cover the ego more in the post Return to the Awareness of All that You Are.

I have been told since I am a white female that I am systemically racist.  However, that is not my truth and I reject that premise.  Systemic is defined as relating to or noting a policy, practice, or set of beliefs that has been established as normative or customary throughout a political, social, or economic system.  Racist is defined as the doctrine that one’s own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.  I do not believe any race is superior to any other race.  I do not belief any group of people are superior to any other group of people regardless of if you have a royal highness in your name or wear a white priest collar on your neck.  I am created in and of God’s own image.  We are each created in and of God’s own image.  We are divine sovereign beings in our own right.  No political, social, or economic system can take our divine sovereignty away from us.  That is not to say it has not been tried throughout history to people of different color, religion, sexual orientation, sex, age, and the list goes on.  These individuals operate from a “service to self” premise that is directly fed from their ego.  For those of us on the spiritual path, the constant challenge is to rise above the ego’s directive to seduce us into submission of a false sense of self.

As I go through my life, I do not stop to consider someone’s race before I open the door for them. I open the door for another out of kindness and care for my fellow human.  Systemic racism is a false premise that has been thrust upon us by those who justify their means because of the end result.  I remember in my college ethics course discussing this in length:  Does the end justify the means OR do the means justify the end? Everyone in the class participated in this debate since there are so many ways to look the question.  Ultimately, the question is does the consequence justify the action.  Many believe the action is justified to obtain the desired result; however, they fail to recognize everyone’s free will along with their God given inalienable rights by the creator.  When someone is censored because their beliefs do not align with the end result that is suppression.  Attacking someone to pressure them into agreement is not only unlawful in our country but directly goes against the universal law of free will.  Yet, insults, fear, and violence are being used consistently in our world today to silence any opposition while forcing acceptance.

Is this type of behavior love in action?  Does this treatment of our fellow man/woman honor them?  Is it okay to put others down to lift others up?  If our actions do not bear the fruits of compassion, understanding, acceptance and love, then they are not divinely inspired actions.

Fact checkers have become a given in our current times – yet, what is a fact?  What is truth?  Unless an individual is present as an eye witness their testimony in court is considered an opinion or hearsay.  Basically, opinion narratives have taken over “news” in this country.  The true facts are not known unless there is an eyewitness willing to put his/her name on the story.  Any “sources” other than a person’s name is just that hearsay, opinion, not fact.  The so-called fact checkers are being paid by sources who want their opinion narrative validated – that does not make it a true fact.  Consequently, false narratives abound in our society today.

Divine truth cannot and will not come from a false premise. Ever.

How do we separate the divine truth from the false prophets?  I believe we must go back to our inner knowing.  It is that gut instinct we all have that sometimes gives us a sick feeling that we know the truth even when we do not want to face the truth.  The more time and practice we spend with our inner knowing the stronger our relationship with our divine guidance system becomes.  We begin to care more about our own truth and less about other’s truth.  When I am true to my own self, I care less about what others may say or believe about me.  It reminds me of a light that burns brighter and stronger from within me.  This light fills me up to bursting so that I want to share it with others around me.  We are each here to walk our own path, to shine our own light.  We can only do this if we stay true to ourselves. 

I believe when we stay true to ourselves then we come to know, love, and serve one another as divinely designed by our creator.  Dr. Martin Luther King always led by example by leading with love for one another.  He knew we could not achieve the end result of loving one another through violent means.  Those two actions are simply not compatible – not then, not now, not ever.  As hard as it is at times, we must love each other into acceptance. 

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.”  ~ Mark 12:30-31

For humanity to move into 5D consciousness, we must love one another enough to allow each to walk his/her path to truth.  “Do no harm” comes to mind as I think about our ascension.  I choose to believe each is acting on what they believe is best for our world.  Whether they fall on the side of right or wrong, it is not for us to judge.  We can show others the path to the light by being loving living examples of divine unity ourselves.  When people know better, they do better.  Let us be united in love to show others better!

In December 2020, we will all be experiencing a shift in consciousness as we examine our own divine truths.  This month we have the 12:12 gateway, the solar eclipse on the 14th, and the solstice on the 21st.  From 12/12/2020 through 12/21/2020, we are at a powerful choice point for ourselves.  We can choose paradise on new earth as we co-create with God our lives as I discussed in Will You Answer Prayer in Me and Me in You?  If you are interested in more information about the astrological events taking place this month which have not happened in centuries check out the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse by Tania Gabrielle.

Remember, to have patience with yourself and with others as we all gain deeper understanding about ourselves and our world.  Remember to stay present, to observe, to go within, to be open to what may come your way.  Most importantly, let us remember to show love in action by caring for one another during this special magical time of year!

Awakening, Collective Consciousness, Spirituality, Vibrational Living

Happy December 2020

I wanted to share this excellent message for our times. Please give yourself the gift of listening to this message to uplift and transform yourself as well as our world. Namaste 🙏🏻

From Melanie Beckler, a message from Archangel Gabriel: