Collective Consciousness, Conscious Living

Out of the Shadows and Into the Light

There is a lot going on in our world and the news right now that is causing concern, questions, and unrest. Believe it or not, this is a good thing, this is progression in our evolution. We are collectively moving in our world from the shadows and into the light.   Some of the shadows unveiled recently include our government, the catholic church, Hollywood, and competitive sports.

In our US government, our elected officials who believe themselves to be civil servants have served themselves to more power, more money, more deception. As the politicians gained wealth, the middle class eroded in our country as they paid the price for the now corrupt system. The establishment is up in arms over the election of a complete outsider that is not interested in playing along with their game. Our civil servants elected to work in our best interests, work against us. They try to divide us. Continued civil unrest is good business for civil servants. It is job security for them. Civil unrest keeps us confused, off-balance, so that our attention is diverted while they vote themselves another layer of protection from those they were elected to serve. Scandal abounds in our government. Luckily for them, they have the power to control our communication tools and can steer the narrative to what they want us to believe. They in effect can pull the curtain on us to show us only what they want us to see.

There have been reports of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church worldwide in both the 20th and 21st centuries. The Catholic Church has had many scandals born from power and greed. The Catholic Church is based on a hierarchical system like the feudal system. Money collected at the parish or peasant level is taxed and collected all the way up to the Vatican. The Vatican sits on more wealth than most countries. The Vatican owns more real estate than anyone in the world. With this wealth the Church could eradicate world hunger but chooses to hold on to its treasurers and charge its own to view them. The male dominated church has created a men’s club like no other. They anoint their hands telling their faithful they have been divinely called. A man is a man, he is human, he is not infallible. The problem is the Catholic Church has put themselves into a predicament. The Church cannot confess all their sins and tell the truth without unraveling all the secrets. The Church has held heaven and hell over their faithful to an almost mind control state. If the faithful wake up to realize this the fate of the Church is in peril. The Church prefers silence on its own sins.

Hollywood was rocked by the news which came to light in the past couple of years by famous celebrities such as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and Matt Lauer just to name a few. This trend of out of the shadows and into the light continues as the CBS CEO, Les Moonves, is out due to his own sexual abuse scandal. All that sparkles and glitters is not a fairy tale.

For over 30 years, Larry Nassar, was allowed to abuse youth in the USA Gymnastics program. Young athletes dream of competing in the Olympics were shiny and bright but come to find out had a dark side to be endured. The sexual abuse scandal in USA gymnastics is one of the biggest in sports history but certainly not the first or last. The speech given by Sarah Klein, Tiffany Thomas Lopez, and Aly Raisman is so profound that each person should watch and listen to their wise words:

2018 Espy Awards Clip

“Predators thrive in silence.” Think about that statement. When we don’t speak up against those who harm us or others, we are giving them the space and permission to continue. Our action or inaction does indeed have a ripple effect throughout our communities and our world, even through generations. It is time to stand up, to speak up, to act. It is time to choose to get involved in bringing light back into our world. It is time to stand up against the darkness that slowly spreads through our silence, our inaction.

The curtains are being drawn back on the many areas of darkness in our world. This is not a time to be fearful, for it was fear that kept many silent. This is a time to rejoice. This is a time to pull together to stand united in the light of truth and goodness. It is a time for us to be conscious in choosing how best to go forward in life. We cannot let anger and hatred fill our hearts. We must stand strong in the light with courage to accept the truth determined in our strength to remain anchored in love for all humanity. We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.

All of us includes the born and unborn, male and female, all races, all religions, all of humanity. We are in it together. We are all one. There is no need to fight one another. If we are going to fight, then let’s fight the good fight. Let’s fight the darkness and shine our light to live in the truth of who we are…


6 thoughts on “Out of the Shadows and Into the Light”

  1. There is hope behind all this darkness. The fact that they are being exposed and light is being shined on these issues that have been around for decades, and possibly longer, we can no longer allow it all to be swept under the rug. I am in the column of hope!

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